Actionable Fundraising Intelligence for Higher Education
Here we go.
You were so good at following it before I I it's not even on my radar half the time so and you just have to get up a following it so.
Have to.
Welcome everybody.
Welcome to our webinar. Today, people coming into the chat Fast and furious. This is great. Go ahead and give a shout out while we're waiting for folks to join in. Maybe say where you're calling in from joining from how the weather is there Mail here in Connecticut it is, I think mid 60s which is a nice change of pace for awhile.
Down in South Carolina for our Wofford folks.
It is beautiful.
Bright and sunny.
Raymond Ruff | Director of Constituent Management Systems and Process Improvement
01:00:37 PM
Hello from Wofford!
Great yeah and then our iway folks. I know you guys are generally up in Canada so how are things up there?
Katie Bolton
01:00:41 PM
Hello from Kansas City!
Sunny today too, yeah. Cold but sunny.
Time in Florida and it's nice and warm.
Ross Struss
01:00:48 PM
Checking in from Hastings College in Nebraska!
Oh nice Katie hello from Kansas City.
Bill Becker
01:00:50 PM
Hello, from Chicago.
Wonderful, wonderful. We have Ross joining in Chicago in the Braska people coming from all over the place. This is great.
Just give it a couple more seconds just to see as more people join in, but then we'll go ahead and dive on and perfect perfect.
Tala Davidson
01:01:21 PM
Hi from Kalamazoo College!
Michelle Cyr
01:01:22 PM
Hi from Pebble Beach, CA
John Michael Cuccia
01:01:23 PM
Hi from Houston
Awesome so welcome everybody. Thanks for joining our webinar today will be talking about actionable fund raising intelligence for higher education, so this is a joint presentation here with fleet as well as the folks from I wave and we are so blessed to be joined by Molly and Raymond from Wofford College to talk really about how they're using this data from my wave inside of Slate. So really looking forward to this conversation. A couple of housekeeping things. Just as we go ahead and get started.
Justin Harville
01:01:55 PM
Hello from Georgetown College!!
This webinar is being recorded and so link will be sent out after it ends, so you'll be able to view this anytime you like. Closed captioning can be enabled to figure to the top right of your screen. You can click the CC button right there and they'll be some real time closed captioning that will occur. And if you want to view this full screen, there's an option to make this viewable. Also at the top right corner of your share window. If things get a little funky, the audio video gets out of sync. You can go ahead and just click the refresh.
Button in your browser and everything should sync back up and anytime that you have questions, go ahead and throw him in. The chat will try to get to them as they come in, but we also have some time at the end for questions, so don't be shy about using the chat. It's more people saying Hello Justin over there from Georgetown. John Michael down in Houston. Welcome welcome, welcome, all.
Just a brief introduction. We're joined by several folks from both Highway van from Wofford. I'll start with just a quick introduction of myself. For those of you who may not know me. Sean Kelly. I'm the general manager of advancement here at Slate, and I'm joined by some I wave colleagues. We have Valentin Vaala spent over 25 years in the corporate world and thrilled to be spending the last eight years working with nonprofits to help better understand their donors and help them accomplish their missions more.
Quickly and efficiently and then we also have Raymond and Molly from Wofford College. Molly has been 12, spent 12 years asking people for money and then made the switch to help those who are doing the asking in terms of doing prospect research. She also is a powerhouse mother of two and a den, mother of her husband's women's basketball team. We also have a Raymond roof who some of you know already. If you are a occurrence like point, I'm very sure of it. Who has spent nearly 20 years?
Katie Bolton
01:03:51 PM
In higher education and made the jump to doing advancement with slate in 2017. He also put in his bio that he's all in and works to empower the Wofford Advancement Teams or the use of the greatest advancement System ever known. So I didn't say it already been there. So that's you know, that's the folks here were also having indeni also from the highway, but I'm sorry I forgot to mention you earlier in India be helping out helping field questions, putting things in the the chat and responding to the folks as.
Raymond Ruff | Director of Constituent Management Systems and Process Improvement
01:04:16 PM
See, Katie understands what I'm talking about :-)
You ask her questions, so that's the team for today. Quick overview of what the agenda looks like. We're first going to start by giving an overview of slight, just a very high level overview. For those of you who maybe aren't using site yet just to get a sense of what it is, but then really dive into what this integration looks like, how it's how Wofford College is putting it to good use with data is being returned from my wave, how it's stored in slate. Really focusing on that side of things before switching over to talk about.
Nundini Krishnan | Director, Product Marketing
01:05:04 PM
Interactive Poll:
What does it look like in? I would power folks searching in there. How are they using all the tools that exist in that platform to supplement your your research and then getting that information back out so we can be brought into slate at the end again? I mentioned there's time for questions to ask the Wall for team, but will also be taking questions with them all along at this point in India. I don't know if you want to pull in to the chat, will be looking to see just just a quick follow up. Who's using? I wave already? Or if you're not, if you're interested.
Jonathon Lapak
01:05:13 PM
Bill Becker
01:05:13 PM
Kristina Morton
01:05:14 PM
Michelle Cyr
01:05:19 PM
John Michael Cuccia
01:05:20 PM
Go ahead and respond into the to the chat just that way we and a if you're interested know why. If you already are using it, just we have a sense of what people are doing.
Tala Davidson
01:05:22 PM
Justin Harville
01:05:26 PM
Sam Schlouch
01:05:28 PM
Molly Lloyd
01:05:29 PM
Mark Thomas
01:05:37 PM
This is great. Looks like some folks that are already using it. Some folks that are interested. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I know the I live team works with a large number of schools so this is great to see some folks already using it. And some folks that are just interested.
Sarah Dow
01:05:44 PM
We have it at Wentworth
I also don't want to Bury the lead here. We have a slide at the end of the presentation where folks who are joining the call. There's a link where I wave has graciously given out a complimentary month of screening. I think it is an Indian as well as 200 screens. Is that right?
Yes, complimentary access to I wave as well as 200 screens so you guys can really put into action what you see here today.
Yeah, so there will be a link going in the chat soon so be on the lookout for that. Will also include it in our follow up communication along with the recording so.
Great, we'll go ahead. We'll dive right in, so just that brief overview from this link side of things, Slate is a single solution that has unlimited and unrivaled feature set. We're really looking to make it so that way advancement offices. Alumni offices are able to do everything that they need to do directly inside of slight under this sort of 1 umbrella.
This is a just a small sampling of some of the things that can be done inside of light and things like recurring gifts or unlimited number of online giving forms or complex portals. So donors and alums can manage their own information or make their own gifts. It's voice over IP telephony, type of services, it's complex events and travel planning and management reporting, querying, looking at things in a geospatial lens, and all of your standard data management type of information.
Nundini Krishnan | Director, Product Marketing
01:07:15 PM
iWave Promo - Receive COMPLIMENTARY access to iWave for 1 month: https://go.iwave.com/iwave-slate-april-2021
Being able to quickly send information from one system to the other. If you need to, that's just a small sampling. For those of you who are currently using site. If you want to learn more, you can go to our website technicians.com. There's a request demo button. Go ahead and click that and we can be in touch about showing you even more of the things that can be done. Just a small sampling just to get a sense of what it looks like visually. Just just an example person record, we have things like very dynamic email capabilities, so if you're doing something like that.
Tip for new or you want to do receipt for the end of the year. We're summing up all the gifts and displaying it back, but even things like text messages, either one off text messages or on mass texts that go out to engage your donors, alums, or solicit, yes.
Nundini Krishnan | Director, Product Marketing
01:08:13 PM
For those who would like to request a Slate demo, use this link: https://technolutions.com/contact-us
Beyond the sort of electronic things it's like in handle print type of communication. So if you're looking to send postcards, we can do that merge in all the element donors names using car query tool we can really get at things like pleasure minors. All the details that are required so that way things really just become very simple when you're looking to merge them and send out information for folks. This is an example report that can be leveraged inside of Slade. This is an example of somebody's portfolio or you have a list of you know what.
Phases people are in any sort of high level details out folks in a portfolio. How much their coral is bringing in terms of pledges and gifts.
But also something like a trip where you have not just where all your different events are, where your different meetings are, but other information like flights and expenses and other stops that you're making for dinner or your hotel reservation or even seeing where other prospects are. So that way if you have time when your schedule you can click and see who else is around that, you maybe wanna meet with.
This is just an example of what a given form could look like. I mentioned you could have an unlimited number of these inside of Slate, but you can design them, you know full HTML and CSS capabilities, and then portal features so where you can build your giving day campaigns directly in sleeped have all the values updated dynamically and in real time, so that way it's all going right back into that one unified system.
That's enough sort of that that high level overview. Like I said, if you want to learnmoretechnicians.com click that requested demo button, we can go ahead and schedule some time to talk more, but let's focus on what this immigration looks like with. I would there's a couple of things that we think about when we think about the immigration we're really talking about. How do we get data that exist inside of Slate? So how do we identify these records that you want screamed? How do we get them to out of Slate into a wave? And then how do we bring them back?
And what does that look like when we bring them back?
The first place to go when you're setting this up. It's a one time setup type of thing in your research configuration section. Inside this late we've partnered with I wave to make this library of resources available to you. This includes things like data keys. These are all of those things that Val is going to go into in the Iwave section, but things like what's your capacity or how much. Have you given a person given two different arts organizations or health care organizations. But these data keys or 81 of them for I waved their pre packaged. They're good to go. You simply click an ad button right here.
And they're all there, as well as all the problems that you need. So for your sleep folks that are on the web and are you're very familiar with prompts, so we already actually create these for you and they were just added directly to your database when this resource is added, as well as the two things that are going to be important for actually screening your records in slate and then exporting it out in a format that I wave needs, and then a source format to bring that information back in. So taking a look at this first item that we need to do is actually identify who are the records that we need to screen.
The way we're going to do that is with that standard eye wave screening query.
This query works just like every other query in slate. We've built it that way. It's designed with all the different exports are all the different fields that you need to be able to just take the file and upload it into I wave. We also have the standard requirements that I would need to be an address of first name and last name, and then we've got ahead. In this example, just added on another filter, so these filters in terms of identifying records. You can decide what you want them to be. We've simply said gifts made in the past 60 days and we're turning.
For records, if we preview and see who these people are and pretty sure I'm in there, I'm pretty sure Alexander Hamilton is in there. Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, but you'll get all the detail information that you need to know, so that way you can do a really good screening on them once it goes over to Hwy. So once you have identified who those people are, all you need to do is click the run to browser button, type in export and all caps. That's been. Download that CSV file that you can then take and upload into highway love. This might be a good time to ask questions to our Wofford team.
Really about this filter type of capability and and sort of what filters are you looking at or how are you identifying your records or what's important to know when you're trying to find people to screen. So Molly, maybe I'll throw that one out to you to see your thoughts on what you.
That was like 4 questions at once. John give me a break, man.
Are you going to do that?
I think that just was how do we find who we want to find, and that's part of I'm sure what most of you. If you have a job like I do, that's what we spend a lot of our time doing is trying to figuring out who we need to look at.
And for at Wofford we are closing our capital campaign, so we're kind of in the tail end. It really was supposed to be closed.
Last calendar year. But the pandemic hit, so we've extended it slightly, but we're in a phase internally to really start ramping up for the next campaign, so we're doing a lot of looking around. A lot of screening, a lot of organizing, and really trying to look at. Our last meeting was about three years ago, so we're due to kind of do a screen of the whole group, but most most certainly folks who have contributed since the last screening.
So that's what we're focused on now and then. We also spend a good amount of time in the May June timeframe to look at the new parents that are coming in.
So we spend a good a good amount of time screening that crew just to get to know who's coming into offered.
Awesome, yeah, and I know you know that's what you're doing right now to catch up. Are you looking at on an ongoing basis, perhaps thinking about ways to identify other records that may be more consistently or sort of on a set schedule? Or I know I'm looking at Raymond. I know you have a bunch of different things that you're at least have built out originally, or you're thinking about using in that ongoing basis.
Yes, do we, are we perfect yet no? So we're still and still trying to get that sorted out, but I do affinity prospecting so that's basically every month I look at folks who have given a certain threshold. $1000 and above that are unassigned and most especially and I don't know the climates at every other school, but certainly pandemic. Just recently it's just been a little bit less. People are giving a little bit less, there's less donors, so I I find the folks that are giving at this time frame.
Affinity donors because they're giving through the hardships. So I really wanted to spend some time last six months or so. I've been doing that to kind of pull those folks to the forefront just because if you're given in a pandemic and when people are struggling, that's it. That is a sign that you really love. You really love offered.
Yeah, I would agree with you.
And I am sure finding those people inside of slaves is fairly straightforward process, right? You're looking for that staff assigned and seeing who's made a gift, right?
Super easy to pull, yeah?
Perfect, so jumping a little bit back to what is the process like, right? You identify your query inside it's late. We now have this CSV file that's been downloaded. You just take the file upload to I wave balancing, talk a little bit later about how to actually do those projects. Do those screenings get that information then exported back out? But once you have that screen file it becomes a very simple process to then bring that information from my way back into slate. So the way to do that is going to be in our.
Upload data set section. This is where you're able to choose that file format so that resource that we saw that we added before we're saying, hey, this is something standard we've already worked with highway. If you don't need to go and define all the different data points, but you can simply drag your file, drop it in here, or click the add files button, click upload, and then you're basically done. So for something like are Alexander Hamilton, record that we use as our example record. We've already run one of those type of screens where we've said we're going to screen Alexander Hamilton. We're going to return that value.
Back into Slate, but then we can go and take a look and see what it looks like on Alexander Hamilton tracker. So taking a quick look behind the scenes at his record, we see the dashboard here, right? So this is where you just have your overall view of Alexander as a record, but then we have a research tab so new standard tap inside of slate. That's going to keep track of all these different sources of information that are coming in. So we see that we have that one data source so far on Alexander Hamilton tracker. It's coming from Hwy. It's verified.
Course, so this is looking pretty good. We provide these three boxes here standard, but you can have a custom dashboard that you add above these. So if you're looking to have additional information from Hwy for you want to see what that I would score is or you want to see what that I would have capacity is right here on this overview tab you can go ahead and add that as part of a custom dashboard right here we go look at the research sources. This is where we would see one Roper. Every time the screening occurs.
What's really cool about this is you could start to see trends has somebody's data changed over time. We can start to clear and that we can start to report on that. Then I would open up this. I wave row right here. We see the start of that information that we're getting back from my way. So we see the link right to their profile. We see their profile ID right here. We know when it came in we can add notes that you see that it was verified, but then we have all that details that we're getting back that I was found for that record. So we know what the capacities are.
We know any plan, gift type of information that's coming back. All those ratings are kept together right here, so what's their score? What's their families? Who are propensity's? Who are you know, thousand and talk about what this scoring means and how it can be shifted through different lenses, but also, where else are they giving? Are they giving to higher Ed? Are they giving to arts are giving to political parties or they giving to health care all that information now comes back into sleep and it becomes very much queryable reportable data. So that way if you're looking to.
Run engagement reports in combination with some of this information and you can really identify those folks that perhaps you want to work towards a proposal with or go out for an opportunity. But all that comes right back in here.
Remittitur Molly Fee went out about this late side of things. How you're seeing things come back? How are you using information once you get it from my way back into sleep?
I'm glad you first you first.
Yep, they all. I'm sorry Molly going I was going to say the only thing I was going to add was that that's late. Also gives you a great option to define all of these data points, so it'll actually add a little a little I icon right next to the label so that your folks can actually get a definition of what those data points are so you can. You can use the standard ones that I wave provides to us generously. Thank you by the way.
Or you can create. You know this is how we use it here at Wofford, for example. So a really nice opportunity for you to customize the definitions of all of those data points. And Sean mentioned the the Custom Dashboard for the research overview. We've taken advantage of that and I think that's going to be a really useful way of sticking those key data points front and center in front of our gift officers.
Yeah, I was just going to add. Oftentimes I have my major gift officers come and say what? Where else is this prospect giving into it? Super easy for me to be able to go to the charitable giving tab and see kind of over just overview on where where their interests lie and then if I see for us in particular if they've given quite a bit of money to education, being able to go into a wave and actually see which institutions maybe is a helpful piece of data for these folks. So that's a that's a good little trigger here in Slate.
To go in and maybe look a little bit harder and I wave.
Cool, wonderful, wonderful.
Switch back over and actually have about perhaps now give a little bit of overview on the website of things and talk a little bit about how that all works so well. Bring up.
All at once.
Slide there.
You're good though.
Thank you, can you hear me?
To share a little bit about, I wave to those who are not super familiar with what we do.
You are currently using us. Thank you and I are not using this integration piece. I think just from what Shinan Molly and Raymond have covered, it's definitely something to explore because obviously it really helps helped having that information populate in into your slate CRM system, but I want to give you a little background just about my weight and then we're going to jump into the platform as well and show you a few things that we do, and some of those components and pieces that Sean had referenced.
And what it looks like and how we do that within an hour I wave platform.
So a little bit of history, so for about 30 years I wave has been working with exclusively nonprofits and really, with the main focus and being able to help them identify, cultivate and then retained or donors really with the purpose of allowing them to raise more money and impact their cause more effectively and efficiently.
He really, you know, the amazing work that all of you do, challenges us on a daily basis to be consistently adapting an involving our systems or platforms, our research, how we approach our wealth screenings, the analytics so and the solutions that we're providing to meet. What organizations growing and ever changing needs are obviously over the past 30 years.
The approach today to what you can do with data etc has changed dramatically and and we have been lucky enough to be able to really keep up to date with that and be incredibly innovative from a solution standpoint.
We work with thousands of different nonprofits, and so whether that is in charitable education within health and hospitals and and we work with all different sizes. So regardless of article or size of the org, we can work with you. And the main reason for that is that we offer really customizable solutions that will be able to take back here in just a minute.
So one of the things that's most important to I weighed in really determining what nonprofits need is to be talking to them and and so we spent a lot of time with our clients just in discovery mode and really trying to understand in deep dive into what are the components that are important for fund raising success, and So what we consistently hear, is it really kind of boils down into three different things that you all need help with?
The first one is how do you identify who to be talking to? An really at what levels within the donor pyramid? The second thing is from a cultivation standpoint, so once you've identified those individuals, can we better inform you from a messaging standpoint of how to be talking to them, how to meet them, at what causes they support, or what the message around what, what your mission is might be most relevant.
To them.
And then Lastly, to be able to deliver it in a tool or a platform that is user-friendly that is incredibly efficient and creates productivity for you and your team.
And so really from that approach is is what the basis is up for how we build everything within our systems. So really kind of the House of what we do is going to boil down to our starting with our data providers. So the very first thing we need to understand from an identification standpoint is what's important to know about your donors. And what's the important data to pull in.
In order for us to be able to start analyzing how you should be approaching them, and so we pull that, we've got about 41 different data sources that we are pulling in, and we break that down into biographical data, wealth data and philanthropic data within our platforms. And you can see some of the names of the of the different data vendors that we're working with in order to populate this. One of the things that we are known for is having.
Really, the most robots and an from aquatic quantity and quality perspective data whenever we are looking at any any data points for any of your donors, we approach data from a dynamic perspective, which is a little unique within the industry and what that means is we're constantly updating our data based upon the updates provided by the theater.
Providers and so it's not something that we score a donor and then everybody gets the same score regardless of the type of work you are explore with this project. You're on. What we're doing is we're looking for the most updated data points to populate and then approach it based upon your customization of what you're looking to accomplish.
And and so when we let's data in, then what we do is we start our scoring process on the individual and so we break it down into really a three legged stool as far as.
Important things to be looking at and scoring that then fuels the final by Wave score. And so we approach it from from #1 capacity. Very common in the industry capacity. Most people actually think of screenings as well screenings, and that certainly is a strong component whenever we're looking 'cause we need to identify first and foremost who has the ability to give and so it's an important component and things that factor in to capacity or things like.
Mila skate if they are a public insider and required to disclose any kind of stock transactions, etc. So pulling that information and intelligence in the second leg to the stool is propensity. So what we're looking at is, hey, how philanthropic is this individual? We know that just because somebody has money, that doesn't mean that they necessarily are philanthropic. So once we find those that have capacity also activate identified.
You know how philanthropic are they? Or do they? Are they generous? Do they get and so those two tend to be fairly common within any type of a screening within the industry. The last piece is very unique to Hwy van. That's our approach to affinity. It's the third like this tool, and if you think about it from a sales perspective, two legs on the soul is going to be very difficult to balance. That third leg is really what's required to give that foundation, and so and we really believe that this approach is.
Is key to the success of our clients. And so when we approach affinity, we approach it not just from hey are people supporting you already so like from an R FM 4 or you're giving information and that does factor in but we actually look at it from all of the different causes that people are supported in internal very gifted database that we have built and that we're continuously updating.
On giving and all of that has been tide to really the 90 areas of cost. So for example, if you are in, if you are a school or University, you're an education. If you are a hospital, you're in health, etc. And so we've aligned every org to that affinity. And therefore we've also applied that to every single gift that's ever been populated into our system.
That allows us to then add the affinity score so we can identify not just who has money.
Not just to his philanthropic, but also who have the greatest potential to support our cause and give to us what we're looking to help you do is focus, and that affinity piece from a cultivation standpoint is really key. And how long it's going to take you to cultivate this individual, potentially within your database, ANAN, really? To take maybe them from having given you one gift too.
Additional guests and larger guests as you go along.
Sure, sure, will you say team, but it's really just me.
This is the sweet spot of what we feel. That's the differentiator for I Wayan what our clients often say to us, so I'm going to just go into our platform so I can show you this. But as I'm doing this Molly, I would love if you wouldn't mind just to speak for a moment about about just from a usability standpoint, our platform and how your team uses us on a daily basis.
Raymond, actually. He's on my team will count him too, but I I took this job just over a year ago. I was frontline fundraiser for 12 years. I did a little bit of research but nothing like this so I kind of jumped into it with with two feet and I wave seemed to me to be very intuitive. The platform you're about to see is is easy to use. It makes so much sense and currently day-to-day. Certainly the screenings are very helpful, but day to day and you guys know you get research requests from every.
Corner of your office from people who say Oh well, I heard this person, you know, is contributing money elsewhere. So can you look them up? So I waved. Does that very quickly. I think most people are surprised that I can get an answer to them. The is this person worth a visit? Answer right that I can get that back to that person in 15 or 20 minutes. Which is, which is a great turn around. 'cause it's super easy to use.
Awesome thank you. Well so and Molly, you guys I'm sure have built this out and assist in your system but one of the things that's unique within the eye wave platform and I had mentioned it before but there's just this customization feature and so I think it's a key driver from our comma scoring perspective and really do the success of our clients.
When you first start working with us, you have the ability to customize an. You can do that from an account perspective as well as from a project perspective. There's multiple different things that you have. The ability to customize. The first one that we've referenced is affinity, and so you know what your purpose, what you were aligned cause and and so for the example of education I've got that marked within this.
Lindsay O'Donohue
01:32:36 PM
What's workflow look like? Can a researcher work in iWave and push relevant data points to Slate to store in the Research tab?
Within our account settings, we also then have the ability to customize multiple additional components and so the one that was going to kind of highlight right here are things such as capacity and our weightings. So generally speaking when you do a screening, it has a a major gift approach, so there's industry industry standards from a capacity standpoint.
That usually align with any of your really strong scores being those individuals, again about half $1,000,000 over a five year period to all works and that can be fine for many orcs. However, depending on the size.
Your size that might not align with really weird. You are from a major gift perspective. You might just tend to have people that are going to hit these high capacity ranges and so having these levels set starts to kind of hide who you should be talking to. It also can be at the project level, so you're going into, for example, a capital campaign. This might be giving you too many individuals from a leadership level. You might simply be saying hey, we want to find the.
5500 individuals we need to be engaged with that are really high leadership level as we go into this campaign and so just being able to set capacity to add a kind of a standard major gift doesn't allow much depth or breath through your donor base. For additional intelligence. You also have the ability to to make adjustments to the waiting so.
For the most part, when we approach an initial screening, generally most of our clients kind of approach it from a 3030 thirty three 3333 about a third each propensity weighting affinity, waiting and capacity waiting in order to then fuel that final. I await store, but Molly. You have a really interesting example of a different approach that you take when you're screening your into new and incoming families. I'd like you to share that per minute of how you make that adjustment.
Raymond Ruff | Director of Constituent Management Systems and Process Improvement
01:35:14 PM
Hello, @Lindsay! iWave will let you export your one-off look-ups. We pulled all of Molly's individual screenings in batch and uploaded those into Research in Slate. There is not currently a one-click option to push that data to Slate.
Sure, sure. Well the new parents are typically not alone, so we do have quite a few that are. But for the most part we have folks coming in that haven't given a gift to offer ever. So I want to bump a little bit the highlight on capacity and if they're philanthropically minded for that screening. Just 'cause I want to bump some of those folks up and to use valve stool reference. My third wheel. That's my third wheel. There's not a wheel on a school. My third leg is our major gifts officers for those new parents.
Kind of step in and see what offers all about what they can, how they can make an impact at Wofford.
S so then, once we make these customizations, we then can provide back scores, and I'm going to give you just a quick couple of of what an individual profile can look like. An fact. Hang on one second.
I lost you. Hang on one second.
And just one of those coming back up another question.
Where are you all? Alright? Here we go. So what we can provide back at the individual profile level is a customized or based upon these settings back to you. But we provide a lot of robust information. I think that we had talked through even just within the datasets that can be pulled in to Slayers many, many different things that we provide in one of the things that I wave is is very cognizant about is making sure that we're providing.
Some real transparency as well as explanations about where our scores come from. So any of our profiles are exportable, but you can see just as I'm going through here, we're providing levels of detail that a lot of times you're not used to getting, maybe in a screening, so the examples are going to be, you know, when we provide back to score, we're going to give you why the score came in as it did on why is the propensity?
Or the affinity score. The capacity score coming in based upon the analytics that we're finding we're providing you some underlying explanations when we're providing different types of analytics, such as insights and cultivation levels for anybody that you're seeing. And we also provide a very robust record report that you as well, and you can see this, but lots and lots of gifts that are in this profile. Again, any of this through.
Our site integration. A lot of this is populated right into into the household level for you to see it with it in there, and also any of this is exportable from a profile perspective. So if you need to share this with, for example, a major gift officer or somebody that would like to take a deeper dive than look at the underlying information you've got that alable.
John Michael Cuccia
01:38:18 PM
@Shawn Kelly - is there any vision on the roadmap for these types of docs to come back to records as Materials? (In a DIP type of consumption vs manually uploading)
Imbel, one of the things that we didn't take a look at in Slate, but it's certainly possible, is if you're able to save this sort of PDF version of the profile with all the backup information that could be directly associated with that screening that you brought back over into sleep. So in this late parlance you could have materials be associated to different research records that exist, so it's all sort of can be kept right together.
Yeah, and I love that an an you know for for you all who are working on the CRM who have your gift officers working off of the slate CRM that ability once that's been populated to take a look at that versus having to maybe go back and forth between the two different platforms is great.
We also have a really easy way of doing a screen, so there's a couple of different ways that that can be done. Obviously through Slate we have a they've already built with us an entire system. We do have customizable templates for import as well as export depending on what you're looking to do, but it makes it really, really easy. So while there's a lot of kind of wheels and components that are spinning in the background and.
Order to to screen your donors. We are able to provide those results back very quickly and so depending on the size of the file result anywhere from.
Today I really large ones going to take a little bit longer, but but we're really able to share with you what we think that the amount of moving fire.
Help you meet whatever your deadline.
From a resource standpoint, we populate results into a couple of different templates, so obviously we can see that we thought results that populate within our platform. These are the same sorts of results that we saw within this late integrate. You can see at the top here some of the title exact same titles that would be then listed in Slate so that you could see them.
Shawn Kelly
01:40:43 PM
@John Michael -- it's certainly a possibility. As long as we have an index file, we'd be able to match to the record (and the research record). There's not a standard way of doing this with iWave...yet!
But again, this gives you a different way of looking at it. Additionally, one of the things we do, no client absolutely love. I personally love this is whenever you do any type of a screening project, we give a summary report that and so basically you can think of it is like an executive summary that you could take into potentially a meeting with the Board, or even just conversations within your team. How to understand.
John Michael Cuccia
01:41:09 PM
John Michael Cuccia
01:41:14 PM
Shawn Kelly
01:41:19 PM
@John Michael -- I see a Feedback post in your future :)
The donors that you screamed more on a global level and so. But the thing that I think is really key is the ability that we are I to some segmentation so we score from a for being the highest and strongest or 201 and so. But generally speaking, when you're doing any type of a screening project, you're going to have about, let's say, roughly 10% of your donor base that comes in that top tier.
Court, but oftentimes I find happens, is people say we focus on that top tier and and don't really necessarily branch out and from a portfolio optimization standpoint that can create some challenges.
Raymond Ruff | Director of Constituent Management Systems and Process Improvement
01:41:47 PM
@John Michael, I'd up-vote that!
We provide additional insights other than just forming that are super relevant and so one of the things that we provide is the ability to really understand by group how to approach these donors and so distinguished philanthropist are going to tend to be those that you really know Anne are supporting you, but one of the things that our clients love is we actually can provide hidden gems and what we're looking for is.
Hey Anne Anne there this screening file.
It has given them a gift, but not at a level that they either are supporting other similar causes, but they have the ability to do and these really align to being able to provide.
Some very, very focused areas to go in and search cultivate quickly. So as you can see in this particular file, I think it was like 240 and there's 33 people who identify as hidden gems. Again, these would be individuals from portfolio optimization standpoint to make sure are in need your gift portfolio.
Under the site we also identified for example, not now prospects and so this can be helpful in in really just optimizing. Sometimes those people who have a lot of money, but I've never actually given a gift, but it's always hard to pull him out of that portfolio. It's hard to justify that we now can can provide some additional insights and helping to to justify that and make sure that that your teams focus on the white individuals.
All of this, by the way, is exportable, etc that you can go ahead and and share again with your team. And Lastly, one of the things that we have just added, an I think has really taken off.
Nundini Krishnan | Director, Product Marketing
01:43:36 PM
@Lindsay, to add to what Raymond said, the most efficient way to get your data into Slate is to do a wealth screening within iWave. Then export the screening file, and upload the file directly back into Slate!
This is our newest analytics feature an it's called Multi Lens scoring and then I kind of used Wofford as an example here of how this can be done. And so once you screamed and by the way you can do 1/2 look up says well and you can do this within any of the oneof profiles and apply lenses to it. Whether that's done at that at the save profile level or that's done in the screen so it doesn't just after.
Vital records that have been screened, but it's easy to show you this as an example. So once we have the ability to customize the accounts and projects, we now added lenses which basically says let's look at the data differently and so we can then say in the example of that capital campaign. Hey, let's look and see who we should be engaging with us at a capital campaign leadership level.
Shawn Kelly
01:44:40 PM
@Lindsay -- you'll just want to make sure you have enough information in the file to match to an existing record in Slate (First + Last + DOB/Email OR their Slate GUID / ID )
So for this one I kept education as our primary affinity, but I really increased capacity settings, so I said I really want to see people who are giving at, you know, have the ability to give at $5 million or more. So I'm going to sub segment on those major gift.
Profiles to look for that smaller group of people who can get significantly more and walkers example as well. Some of their focus. Obviously they've got a faith based focused, so selecting a religion as one and they also do quite a bit from a health perspective or medical perspective. And so I'm just a fan. That is an additional.
Can you see that we start to populate and I'm gonna sort this through fast to give an example.
All of this, all of this data, by the way, again, is exportable. You got summary reports that can be associated with it, but you can see as we start to apply these additional lenses how people look different. So this top example while he is at its scoring, a four from an education lends an from a major gift. He's much lower from that leadership level. He's higher.
From the religion. So he's supporting say things, but not as much on the health side. So giving you information and the ability to cultivate not just at your donor where they are within the donor permit level but also messaging level, has really expanded what the the kind of the ROI on the results that are delivered in a screening because of the flexibility. With this I know, I know, you guys haven't applied of this yet, we just started talking about this.
But I'd love to kind of get your thoughts on testing this out. You you guys have done a couple of recent screenings and being able to apply this and see this in action.
Certainly well, I mean any data point is a good data point where we come from, so being able to pull this in a way that's manageable for our, especially our new folks that we don't know much about, we could certainly use that to tear out priorities as we're giving these folks out to our leadership or to our gift officers.
On the subject of data points, are there some things that you find that will offer that are your go to data points that you just? You know it's refers to indicator, it's what you go to most often has folks come into your office and ask you questions about people.
Yeah, well I would say are two off the top of my head are two biggest data points is certainly capacity. It's going to be one just so that we know if we're in the ball game in terms of ask amounts. But then like I mentioned earlier, I think what they what the prospect contribute contributes to. I think says quite a bit. We have so many parents that have contributed to their child's private school education. Their high school and that that seems to be a pretty seamless move into being able to contribute.
At Wofford, so being able to see that I think really helps us out quite a bit.
See, I know where about 30 minutes shy before the top of the hour, so I want to leave time for questions. Just going directly to to the Walker team or to myself or to Val so folks who are joining. If you have questions that you'd like to ask, feel free. Just go ahead, type in the chat. I know there have been some that I've come in already, but feel free to throw in some more of them here. We can also throw out some starter questions to to the folks over Wofford, one of the ones I haven't.
John Michael Cuccia
01:48:26 PM
Is the data scoring process manual Slate export / iWave import / iWave export / Slate import? Or is there any potential for sftp drop-off between the two so that Slate queries could be configured with scheduled export?
And maybe I can lean on Raymond, but just maybe show you that Dashboard looks like you know you had talked about customizing it, but sort of showing how you can make it at the right time.
Absolutely, let me share my screen.
So this would be shown record. So what we've done is we have we have edited our dashboard a little bit just to show those. As Molly mentioned, the capacity the hour capacity is a really big data point for us, so these were the data points and that really Molly wanted front and Center for our gift officers and then a nice little mouse over to explain what that I wave score is, so that that's always there as a reminder. And I had to.
In Bell's talk, she mentioned the Hidden Gems, and it made me chuckle because Sean and our database is indeed a hidden gem.
No thanks.
So, so I also wanted to show to since I mentioned it earlier that that ability to enter the descriptions.
Tala Davidson
01:49:26 PM
He is indeed a gem!
At of what those scores mean in any context that you'd want to give to your folks.
John Michael Cuccia
01:49:32 PM
^ +1
It looks like a question coming in from John Michael about business process manual export or import. At the moment it is a manual export upload to iwave screen. It download it, bring it back into Slate.
Deana Ligda
01:50:05 PM
Are there plans to do and SFTP?
Uh, from this late side of things, you can certainly schedule those through scheduled export. I'm not sure about on the Iwave side, ninja near value may have a better sense of a place to sort of receive files, or if it really is indeed just uploading the file to a project.
Yeah, so so with us. We do a fair amount. Whether that's true, for example, scheduled, grateful, patient programs etc. And so usually what we will do and it depends on what your specific situation is, so would love to talk that through, but we could certainly work with an API and and tie that in an.
And that's normally how we can do it and and so I think that there would be a solution that we could create for you. Again, you know, it depends on the exact situation, but I think that would be a great way to approach it.
John Michael Cuccia
01:50:42 PM
Makes sense Val - good point that context is important. Thx!
Question from Deanna. Their plans to do with the VS SCP. I'll say in full fairness when we were talking to Raymond Molly about this. Molly said I'm going to take my shot now that I have you guys on the call here and I really wanna push button right in the research tab and I think that's a great idea.
Come on Sean. Come on.
Katie Bolton
01:51:28 PM
Ready for it!
Bill Becker
01:51:29 PM
This is slightly technical---I did a small screening & upload and have small issue. The profile link from Slate back into Iwave via the profile link on the Iwave tab doesn't work on any of the profiles. Is that just me?
Nate Ersig
01:51:31 PM
In our current CRM, we are able to an immediate update of data from another screening provider. So, as we move to Slate, this would be a nice function to have in Slate.
Well, you know I would. I would recommend it. It's kind of if you're following the chat, it made the joke to John Michael there about using our feedback post process to really give us your thoughts on this sort of version. One of this integration and we're always willing to listen to the community to see how you like to use it and if you want things to change your be a different way that certainly gets our attention and helps direct our resources internally so I have a feeling that the now 43 people on this call with like the idea. So if someone wants to take charge and make that feedback post.
I would certainly upload it.
Bill Becker
01:51:33 PM
Me gusta SFTP
Do some more questions coming in and.
Uh, Bill back here question about the link on the profile tab. I have to take a look at that bill to see what's going on to see that you're talking with the link right with him. It's late to go back to. I wish we could check on that.
And too late.
That link seems to be working for us, by the way.
Bill Becker
01:52:05 PM
Cool and some people saying that you're all for that type of integration cool, so I'm sure Molly or arrangement or somebody is already starting the process to type that up. So that would be fantastic.
I'll jump in with a question as people are thinking of a few more.
Molly in Raymond. Can you share any insights related to a recent campaign or fund raising goals that you have and you know how did? How did I weigh versus late impact? You know that that the numbers of the process there.
Certainly well, I think like I said, I came in about a year ago, so we were four years into a campaign by that point, so I can't speak exactly to the goal setting that they had at the very beginning with research, but certainly being able to provide our major gift officers with the information that they needed to be able to say, hey, this is the ask amount that you really should be aiming for. I think that was most helpful are both of our major gift officers are also relatively new, so that gave us a little bit more of a learning curve to be able to.
Or pull the information that was needed.
I was just gonna I was just gonna ask so do you do the major gift officers now that you're providing that information about what that asks should be? Has that given them confidence I I'm sure the first couple of times there's always like oh I'm not sure but now that they're seeing success around that has that given them the confidence in trusting what they, what? You're coming back to them?
John Michael Cuccia
01:53:55 PM
@Raymond - did you do this in your existing instance or did you spin up a separate advancement instance?
Sure, you know the worst fear is to not ask the next worst fears to ask for too little, right? So we're hoping to give that information to them so that they're able to hit the nail on the head.
Yeah I would. I would just follow up. Kind of tend to both. Nandini Ann Ann. Bell's point is that there's a lot of power in having all of that. I wave data married with all of our slate data, so this was not our large campaign. What we did, what I would call like a micro campaign to help us with a chemistry lab refresh that we needed. So when we need it to look up the capacity for all of the people in our database that worked in healthcare.
Or was a biology or chemistry major at Wofford? Or you know, all of this information that we keep in slate just inherently to do our jobs on a daily basis, but then to marry that with that great research data that I wait provides? But in the format that all of our people are accustomed? You know, there used to logging into slate and seeing this information, and that's that's to me where the power of this integration really shines.
And Raymond, it looks like you have a follow up question about same database or separate database for you.
John Michael Cuccia
01:55:18 PM
We have a separate database for our advancement instance in mission and advancement are separate and separate, and John Michael happy to chat with you offline about all the the considerations that we took in making that decision and and.
Other things you bring was this idea that this information doesn't live in a silo right? It's it's supplemented by all the things you already know about the your lungs and your donors that already exists in Slayton, so I'm immediately thinking about, you know we talked a lot about scoring in all these different types of scoring, but scoring is something that you can do in slate to where you're able to take. You know, some of these data points that you're getting back from high wave parents with information you know about engagement through emails to clicks, the tracking that's happening there.
Information about event registrations or filling out forms or how much they're giving or where they're giving all that information that just exists in that ecosystem to create your own very custom in dynamic tech osores based on all of that information. So I I'm hopeful that we'll see folks doing that type of thing and really having this sort of the score of scores, if you will.
It's in.
And creating a research, uh, custom research.
Source for those orders to be stored.
Justin Harville
01:56:25 PM
@John Michael We are in a shared instance at Georgetown College. I too would be happy to share the flip side!
Yeah, but I mean potentially right?
One of the things Sean and kind of to just piggyback on what you guys were saying is, you know, nowadays you need to really understand who you talking to. What is the message? You know? Maybe what to ask him out. What are they aligned with etc. So so really kind of thinking about it in terms of what is what we can help populate into slate are levers and so whether pain might be or that message might be flipping the right levers to say.
OK, now that I populated this information who in here it's this capacity range that I know has alignment to this? 'cause that you know has this other you know with an alumni of this school being able to pull the those different levers together and then populate that? I mean again to Tomales Point, the more data points it from a research perspective that the more fun it is to really sit there and start to analyze it. And then I think being able to populate.
Raymond Ruff | Director of Constituent Management Systems and Process Improvement
01:57:37 PM
If I can help anyone... If you'd like to talk about Slate for Advancement or the iWave integration use at Wofford, my email is ruffrh@wofford.edu
Our our additional data into your system, but uh, still allow you to flip levers based upon that is a really cool approach.
Nundini Krishnan | Director, Product Marketing
01:57:58 PM
Repost iWave Promo - Receive COMPLIMENTARY access to iWave for 1 month: https://go.iwave.com/iwave-slate-april-2021
John Michael Cuccia
01:58:06 PM
Thanks for this session!
Well, this is been fantastic. I just wanted to sort of bring up again. There was a link earlier in the chat. You also get it at the as the follow up email to this webinar, but you can sign up to get that one month of complimentary access to I wave. But I also want to say just a big thank you to Valentini Tamale to Raymond for joining us today for this weapon are also. Thank you to everyone else who join us today. I were happy to keep the conversation going. I love the ideas that we saw coming in the chat so.
Tala Davidson
01:58:23 PM
Thanks to presenters and for the thoughtful questions!
Bill Becker
01:58:27 PM
Thanks, everyone.
Justin Harville
01:58:30 PM
Thank you!
Sarah Dow
01:58:31 PM
thank you!
He gave.
Ross Struss
01:58:34 PM
Thank you!
Please please please you go and keep commenting. It's just because of you know the way you're using this. The way you're thinking about this helps us further develop things that way. It's it's better, more efficient and easier to use. So thanks for your time for joining this session and to look forward to the next time that we all get together and take care everybody.