Mark Perillo | Human Capital Research Corporation
02:56:34 PM
brb... Getting an error "unable to access audio input"
Mark Perillo | Human Capital Research Corporation
02:57:18 PM
Mark Perillo | Human Capital Research Corporation
02:57:40 PM
Mark Perillo | Human Capital Research Corporation
02:58:17 PM
a pop up box appears and i did say "allow
Mark Perillo | Human Capital Research Corporation
02:58:34 PM
Mark Perillo | Human Capital Research Corporation
02:58:39 PM
same computer
Mark Perillo | Human Capital Research Corporation
02:59:21 PM
ok.. brb
Nina Takács
03:00:13 PM
Jonathan Huang
03:00:16 PM
Hi Emma!
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:00:31 PM
Hello hello!!!
All right, I see folks are starting to come in here. Welcome everyone. We are going to get started here very, very shortly. Umm, we had some technical difficulties here just a moment ago. So, umm, we're just waiting on our good friend Mark to rejoin us, which should happen any moment.
I paid them to attend and say hi to me, yeah.
Nina Takács
03:00:54 PM
Thanks for the thousands of dollars, Emma
Nina Takács
03:01:07 PM
Nina will have to discuss the specifics later on. I don't, I don't remember that being the arrangement.
Sarah Alkire
03:01:09 PM
Well hello Nina and Emma!!
Hi. Can you guys hear me?
Perfect. Sorry about that. That was a weird configuration audio issue.
Hey, no problem. You're still here and right on time. It looks like folks are coming in so we can get started anytime. The two of you are ready.
Nina Takács
03:01:34 PM
I'm gonna give Mark a second, just since we had a little blip and give him a little bit. So we might be vamping for a minute or two, but welcome to our presentation today. We're super excited. We have a ton of content to go through, so we're gonna try to move as quickly as possible. It will be recorded. So if there's anything that that we move through too quickly and you wanna revisit, you can always reference that later on.
Yeah, ready when you are.
Annie Lehwald
03:02:07 PM
Hi from Stevenson School in CA - but me from Kansas!
Ben Parsons
03:02:12 PM
Hello from College of the Holy Cross in MA!
Awesome. Well, I am going to just say my piece as fast as possible and get out of your way. Uh, welcome everyone to Sleep Biotechnologians Prevents presents, our Dive Deeper webinar series. Uh, we are really glad that you're here and I am really excited to learn more from Emma and Mark. Today I'll let them introduce themselves properly. My name is Gwendolyn Page. I am a client Support engineer at Technolutions, and I am really just along for the ride today.
Chris Kizer
03:02:37 PM
Hello from Duke University in NC!
Canaan Perry
03:02:42 PM
Gwen is amazing btw!
Umm, if you haven't already, uh, be sure to check out registering for Slate Summit. It's going to be in Chicago this year from June 19th to June 21st. And uh, hopefully you all are already registered and I'll look forward to seeing you there. Oh, thank you Kanan. I see that little shout out in the chat.
Sarah-Davis Cagle
03:03:00 PM
Hello from NC State!
So Emma, Mark, that's my whole piece. Register for Summit and hope to see you all soon. Enjoy the presentation and I'll, I'll let you take it away.
OK, so if you've attended any of the Summit webinars, this has been said a million times, but we'll say it 1,000,001, This presentation is being recorded. Not only is it being recorded, but we have a link to a resource portal. We're not going to give you the link quite yet because we want you to pay attention to our presentation. But later on, we'll throw the link to the resource portal in the chat. So the slides are already in there. Once the reporting is available, we'll add that there.
Katie Torrey
03:03:51 PM
Hi from Houghton, Michigan!
Mo Brazil
03:04:08 PM
Hi Emma!!
We have screenshots, we have code that you can copy and paste, no need to try to take screenshots or write things down. It's all available in the portal afterwards. So we'll share that link a little bit later on in the presentation. And then as always, if you have any thinking issues, if you hear us echoing or things haven't moved on from a slide in a while, just refresh your browser and you can kind of rejoin the webinar and hopefully that clears things up. Feel free to say hi in the chat, ask any questions in the chat, we'll try to keep an eye on it.
Sarah Alkire
03:04:14 PM
Nina Takács
03:04:18 PM
Hi Mo!!!
Mo Brazil
03:04:29 PM
Hi Sarah!! Hi Nina!!
And get to as many questions as we can, but no need to wait till the Q&A section. As you can see from our overview, we've got a lot of topics to go through today. So I know there's been a lot of questions about migrating from the legacy reader to the new workflow editor. So we're here to kind of talk through the differences between them, when to take the plunge, why to take the plunge, best practices and tips. Mark has a really cool live demo that we're going to show in RSL instance. We've got tons of helpful links. Once again, all of those are in the portal, so.
Lots of content to get through.
The part we're going to spend probably the least amount of time on is us. Mark and I are both senior Slate consultants with Human Capital. Both have worked in Slate for about a decade each. So excited to be supported by Gwen in the background here to get this webinar off and running.
Gwendolyn Page
03:05:09 PM
Gwendolyn Page
03:05:31 PM
(oops... forgot emojis don't work. Pretend you see the waving emoji)
Cool. So let's get started with the words that we are going to use to describe reader versus workflow. So we're on the same page. So reader versus workflow versus default workflow, What do we mean when we're saying these things? So admittedly we kind of use these terms correctly, but sometimes in a confusing way to to not have them quite as segmented as they truly are in the back end of slate, so.
Diana Gomez
03:05:51 PM
Hello from SAIC!
When we talk about reader in this presentation, we're really going to be referring to legacy reader that out-of-the-box built on the local base way to review applications.
Which is confusingly referred to as the default workflow. So Legacy Reader is the default workflow before workflows themselves became a thing. So default workflow. We're going to kind of just not use that term in this presentation because it gets confusing.
So legacy reader is what likely most of you are currently using for reviewing applications. We're assuming that's why you're here today. The new workflow editor is that combined experience where instead of having all those disparate parts within the database in Slate, they're all prepackaged together. But we did just want to call out a couple of places that it might be kind of confusing in Slate, which one we're using. In the legacy Reader, you use batch management.
They like bin movement, batch management via query, and you're using the default workflow, so Legacy Reader, but the action that you're taking is on the default workflow and in the new workflow editor, even if you have never used legacy Reader, you'll still go into that reader icon, the reader module within Slate to review applications. So we're going to oversimplify and pretend that there's no terminology overlap, just so we're on the same page, but definitely want to acknowledge that it can be a little bit confusing there.
This is that back end view of the database where we're talking about these things so you can see under reader and decisions we have multiple places to go for the legacy reader maintenance we have reader bins reader review forms reader tab groups reader tab materials you actually manage the rules in a different spot versus the workflow and workflow legacy tool we're not going to touch on the workflow legacy tool a ton just because the setup is is similar to reader and.
Hopefully we're migrating from kind of the legacy reader into workflows for our application management and Mark is going to show us from the reader experience the differences between the legacy reader and the new workflow editor system.
Cool. Thanks so much. So, yes, so Emily, just saying that we're just going to show some side by side comparison, just some visual aids just to see how things translate from the what we call the legacy reader to what the new workflows look like. So for those you know who are very familiar with the reading process, if you go to the reader icon up on your your toolbar, I have here an example of a copy of the legacy reader on the left hand side behind these red.
Of the box reader with the base of applications. If you were as part of your business process have you know legacy workflows attached to the legacy reader. They would just show up as a workflow and then the name of the workflow. In this case mine is legacy portfolio Review. On the right hand side I created 2 new work flows that pretty much mirror the old school legacy versions. There is a workflow for application review that is legacy reader.
I just called that workflow New Workflow Application review and the base of that is Application and a corresponding workflow that's similar to the Legacy workflow that I just called Legacy.
Portfolio review with the base of the applications now I'm seeing new, but it's it's a relative term only because it's been around since fall of 2021. So when we see new workflow, we're just really comparing how the workflow process tools work versus the the legacy version.
Nina Takács
03:09:59 PM
"it's the same picutre" Pam Beasley
So let's just take a deeper dive into these workflows themselves. So at the top, screenshot is just a copy of the legacy reader that everyone is using. For the most part, you know, very familiar. For the older slate schools who haven't converted yet, you know pretty much any experience. Down below is the kind of replica of the same bins in the new workflow you can see from a user experience is pretty much the same with the exception on the right hand side, which are your preview views.
Nina Takács
03:10:07 PM
*picture lol
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:10:19 PM
+1 for Nina hahahah
Your preset views that you've done in the queries and you saved in the the reader folder, you know those appear as dropdowns in the new workflow. There's actually this little slide bar Abacus icon on the right hand side where all of your.
Pre established views are stored and we'll go to the reason why in just a couple minutes. But let's just take another deeper dive. Now we're looking at the entire workflow. Let's just take a deeper dive into one of the bins. In this case we're going to look at awaiting materials bin once again, same experience for the user. You know the views are dictated by the query in the old Legacy Reader. And once again, my my preset view is called.
Anna Marie Tallman
03:10:57 PM
can you filter in the new workflow version?
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:11:23 PM
yes, we'll zoom into the View on the next slide
Example all test records and we know that we're in the Hawaii materials. Bid my test record down below. In the new redesign, pretty much the same interface you get to pre select your views, but once again instead of having a drop down for all your presets, it's all stored underneath this lightning bar icon. Now if there's if it's yellow it just means that a view is established for this for this bid or this workflow. If you don't have a filtered view, the default would just be kind of a lighter Gray icon.
Anna Marie Tallman
03:11:28 PM
So let's just take a deeper dive into the actual views themselves. So if a user were to click on the Abacus sliding bar, a drop down menu would appear that would show all the possible preset views that are established either built by.
A fleet administrator or someone that manages your workflow or the users themselves can create their own customized views and all those views are powered by configurable joins. So the test record view is actually a configurable join, filter and exports setting up in terms of what you want to do. And this is 1 the kind of benefits of the new workflow. Did you get the leverage? Configurable joins? You have much more robust capability, much more.
Nina Takács
03:12:20 PM
So, once we migrate to Workflows, can we get rid of our queries that are setting views?
Nicole Howell
03:12:36 PM
will queries that we're currently using as filters in Reader still be available or will they need to be rebuilt as a Shared View?
Have access to data inside sleep, You know, configurable joins in general just kind of opens up the database. For those who aren't familiar with writing custom SQL or writing you know these these these bespoke kind of processes that you know either reach out to technolutions or if you have a skilled programmer on site to create those for you.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:12:48 PM
yup, @Nina!
Another advantage to the new workflow is this concept of the of management centralization.
Ally Metcalf
03:13:11 PM
Love the tabs!!!!!
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:13:19 PM
they will need to be rebuilt as a view, using configurable joins, @Nicole
Of how to manage a workflow. As I mentioned earlier, with the database legacy version, you have all the database bins set up for you for reader in the tabs. But then you also have to remember it's like, hey, these views are done in queries inside that special reader folder. And like, wait, if I have big movement rules, I also have to go into the rules themselves and manage those bin movement rules over there. In the new workflow, everything's nice and contained in the workflow itself.
Nicole Howell
03:13:27 PM
thanks, Emma!
Victoria Hilditch
03:13:49 PM
There'll be individual tabs that kind of centralized all that information, so that's kind of one of the nice benefits to the new workflow. Another kind of cool feature with the new workflow is you don't need to worry about managing your bins and your creations. You know now you can do drag and drop functionality with the new workflow instead of those days. You know when you have to write a brand new column name and you have to worry about the order number and you have to make sure that the bin is in the right column in order for it to appear correctly.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:13:55 PM
the new Slate schools don't even know how great this one is :)
In your workflow structure in this in this quick video, you can now see that you could just kind of just drag and drop and just slide bins around and as well as your columns so you don't worry about making sure that everything is aligned and ordered anymore.
Also with the new workflow structure is that you have much more flexibility with permissions. You know in in the new workflow you could still do the the read and the move permissions so that doesn't change. For the legacy workflows you could add per custom permissions in there, but then you also on the query base when you come to the readers you always have to add permissions over there so you don't need to worry about permissions here. Permissions there you can do everything all in the single place when you're building out your workflows and you can also leverage your realms.
Celeste Gannon
03:14:56 PM
When creating a new rule/automation in the new workflow, after saving the focus goes to Rules. Is there a way to stay in the workflow after saving a new rule?
Which is a nice cool feature if you need to take another layer of security in your workflows. And we have a link to an article to realms to acknowledge based article. But once again as Emma mentioned, like all this is being recorded and we're offering all the slides so you'll need to worry about writing down that article.
Another fun cool feature with the new workflow adina containers you don't have to worry about creating those custom PDFs in the past when you have to kind of display one to many for you know because the the site application.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:15:33 PM
not to my knowledge, @Celeste - but I would love that!
PDF doesn't store parent information or relationship information, school information, all those one to many different pieces. Now you could just leverage a data container to actually store all those things in your application reading process as a PDF itself.
Anna Marie Tallman
03:15:43 PM
Data containers sound great - but are they ever exportable AS a pdf? At the end of the season, our departments need pdf files of admitted applications.
And then another function that kind of gives you more granularity, more control is the reader lookup section of the workflow when you're reading.
Celeste Gannon
03:15:53 PM
Sound like a new feedback request :)
Over there, now you have the ability to kind of control what information you get to see up at the top left hand corner when you click on the student's name, that drop down box that shows up, you kind of have control and granularity over it. Now over here you kind of have the options to kind of display and hide things as needed depending on your business needs.
And you want to take a quick, quick kind of peek into that reader lookup section. You know, in order to kind of make updates, you need to have the Application update permission.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:16:48 PM
Reminder that the code for this and link to the feedback request are in the resource portal!
But you know, maybe some schools are like, hey, you know, my readers can make updates to the application, but I don't want them moving and reassigning bins and moving this application from bin A to bin BI just want them to do their job and not worry about those things. So one cool tip that we are giving away for free is the ability to hide that edit bin slash Q link and then here's the actual script that would hide it. And once again, we want to take a screenshot where we're we're going to give all this.
Brad Wolf
03:16:58 PM
Can you use the Edit Bin/Queue and limit what bins people are able to move applications from/to?
Code away later on in the presentation in our resource portal, but kind of a cool example before and after screenshot for users to not have access to that edit bin link if you don't want your users managing queue assignments or reassigning bins or applications to different bins.
More reasons why I should take the plunge. One of the biggest things we understand that you know you could not leverage configurable joins.
It is kind of an intimidating and kind of daunting process and we kind of acknowledge that and we can understand that, but we also kind of know that it's it's really a good thing and it's just one of those skill sets that kind of.
Patty Stanfield
03:17:45 PM
Will these slides be available after the presentation?
That would be helpful in the long run for for future Slate functions and features. It's just one of those things that I think in the long run will be most beneficial for for all Slate users. It can be intimidating, but I think it's just one of those things that with practice.
Sarah Balz
03:18:04 PM
@patty, yes they will
Patty Stanfield
03:18:13 PM
Thank you, @Sarah!!
And getting that muscle memory, it will end up kind of being a good thing in the long run. Also, other things to consider is that maintainability. They're legacy Reader is no longer kind of managed and and supported by Technolutions as its primary tool. Any brand new sleep school that is signing up implementing their sleep instance Technolutions recommends everyone to go use the new workflow functionality in order to do their reviewing and reading processes.
And then also some of the new workflow functionalities are not always backwards compatible. A good example are data containers and realms. The current legacy tool doesn't support those functionalities. So as kind of tech dilutions kind of builds new things in the future, it it kind of is everyone's best interest to kind of stay current with with every technolution just kind of doing.
And it's very similar to different other functions that we've had.
With technologies building out kind of new functionalities, you know some examples is the event landing pages, moving those to portals, you know legacy local CJS or local queries to CJ queries. You know all these different things, you know the whole, you know using the, the current on the base applications versus having a custom personal background information, just these kind of internal behind the scenes institutional conversations.
Nina Takács
03:19:51 PM
triggers!! ahh!!
That says, OK, like you know we're here, slate is over here. How do we kind of kind of shorten that bridge and gets to kind of where our site instance is kind of more up-to-date. Another thing to kind of consider is, is the skill set for future hires. I mean how many people still remember triggers, you know those those skill sets, you know if you're if you're say instant still uses triggers, it's just going to be one of those skills, that commodity that's going to be tough to find if you're looking to hire.
At your institution looking to grow your department.
You know how many users are still kind of from a from a skill set standpoint, how many still knows the the legacy reader process versus a lot of new slate users are now using workflows, the brand new workflow processes. And then finally there's just more flexibility when it comes to using the new brand new workflow. You have much more autonomy to do control, access permissions, much more functionality in terms of what can be done in the system itself.
Now there now given all the cool things that we just discussed there are some kind of spaces for improvement for the new workflow editor. And we we did mention the first one is that the new configurable the new workflow does heavily rely on configurable joins and it can be an intimidating process. We understand that for example you know some of these filters and technolutions created many moons ago. The any of the filters that says you know has.
Something has a portfolio, number of schools or number of events registered. All those are kind of prepackaged and pre done for you already.
So we'll give you some best tips and what we'll discuss later on. Just kind of some ways to just kind of tackle and kind of make configurable joins less scary. The other issue in the new workflow is the permissibility of the views. The views are kind of a functional kind of cool thing that they offer. There are some restrictions to it in terms of.
Of restricting people out of making those changes to their views if they'd like.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:22:03 PM
One of the functionalities also in the legacy workflow is that the ability to highlight when a new material comes in doesn't quite work in the in the new workflow editor and we have feedback link for that request to make some changes. Another kind of room for improvement is the search bar on the top right hand corner between legacy and the new workflow functions differently.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:22:12 PM
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:22:31 PM
Sarah Alkire
03:22:35 PM
So there's a feedback request for those who want it back the old way, the old way being up in the top right hand corner, you're able to search student records in the new workflows, you're actually searching for documents within that student record. And we'll go through that demo later on today, just kind of show what that search box does. And one of the biggest things that that's kind of my pet peeve personally is, is that you can't copy workflows. So as people building workflows left and right for the brand new processes, you have to start from scratch.
There is no copy functionality, but there is a feedback request for that as well.
OK, when to start building? When should you take the plunge? We're going to have Emma come back here and we're going to talk about what you need to do and some of the best practices for getting things done.
Thanks Mark. So when to take the plunge, I think similar to when we implement and someone says a go live date, usually I say what do you, what do we mean by that. So taking the plunge in terms of building start right now, there is no reason why starting this even if you're not ready to go live, even if it's you're not going to be able to build it all at once. This is absolutely something that you can start building in production even before you're ready to start using it or testing it.
At least get the bin structure in there. Have an understanding of how you want things to be.
Created and transitioned over from your current process, which we'll touch on in a couple of slides. When you're doing this, I do highly recommend setting up a permission that is probably different than what the ultimate permission will be on the new workflow. So for example, if you have readers who typically only have access to the legacy reader, so when they click the reader icon, they aren't seeing those little boxes to choose which workflow they're going to land into, they just kind of pop straight into that reader interface.
Robin Millar
03:24:11 PM
Inability to copy workflows is huge! I'm on hold migrating to custom workflows until this is available.
If you add this new workflow now, they're going to see both of those options, and that can be kind of confusing. Especially if your new workflow is called Application Review and it looks very similar to the old way. So whether that's like admin permission in terms of the role or whether you want to set up a special custom permission so that only the people who understand that this is a work in progress build can see that workflow. No reason to build this whole thing out in test to make sure everything is working properly.
You can build pretty much everything in production, if not everything, and just leave it in preview, refresh, test and see how real applications flow into the workflow in the test environment before you actually switch things live in production. Now that still might mean a few rounds of tweaking things in test and then changing it in production, but don't start the initial build and test. There's really no reason to do that.
Danielle Buczek
03:25:25 PM
I have a workflow with a custom read permission. For some reason, a user without that custom read permission 1) sees the workflow heading, including the edit link, on the application Workflows tab and 2) is able to edit the bin/queue in the Workflow (but then can't see the workflow itself. Have you ever seen something like that? (And I recognize it might be hard to understand what I'm talking about without seeing it.)
In terms of when to take the plunge going live with it, that definitely depends on your school, your, your cycle prep process, your use cases, how many groups are currently in your legacy reader? One of the commonly asked questions is how long is this going to take us to do? Which is a very difficult if not impossible question for us to answer because some review processes are pretty straightforward, some of them are quite complicated, and maybe none of the people who built that system are still there. So you're kind of trying to untangle the logic within there of is this necessary?
Kelly Connor Lewis
03:26:00 PM
I'm secretly holding out for a magical "move your current reader into workflow" button from Technolutions
What is this doing? Your process might have changed in the meantime as well, which we'll talk about I think maybe in a slide or two. A couple of prerequisite skills that you'll need to have to be successful within the building of the new workflow. Understanding how the new workflow is set up, I think one of the perks is that it's a lot more intuitive in terms of how everything's connected because of that tabbed system.
Will Burenheide
03:26:11 PM
Canaan Perry
03:26:21 PM
lol @Kelly
Noah Porter
03:26:22 PM
Ben Parsons
03:26:26 PM
Accio workflow
Conferable joints. So I know we mentioned this as a perk, but it can also be a challenge, and I want to just acknowledge it is certainly not just related to this process. There's kind of no avoiding configurable joints and slate at this point, so.
Tammy Abel
03:26:37 PM
@Ben LOL!
Nina Takács
03:26:39 PM
HAHA Ben!!
Understanding how configurable joints work will pay off multifold. Attending community conversations, practicing as much as you can, taking it in the local query and trying to rebuild it in configurable joins. Asking the community for help. Definitely recommend.
Chris Kizer
03:26:55 PM
@Danielle the same thing is happening in our instance. My colleague is building a custom workflow, i'm not supposed to have access to it and I don't have the custom permission, but I can still access it. we're not sure why this is happening either
And Mark, you froze on my end.
Yeah, my videos out for some reason.
Danielle Buczek
03:27:02 PM
Yup, we lost Mark too!
Sherry Rieder
03:27:10 PM
@Kelly, you're a mind-reader!
OK. Well, the slides are still working. So, so one of the things that I've alluded to a couple of times is don't just rebuild what you have in the legacy reader. Your legacy reader process might be a decade plus old at this point. So it might still work. Your processes might be the same, but just like when you implemented slate originally.
Rob Galarza
03:27:32 PM
Personally, I think Mark looks great.
Nina Takács
03:27:37 PM
Is the custom permission exclusive @Chris? Aka it cannot be inherited by a role?
Mark Perillo | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:27:40 PM
Take this as an opportunity to identify what's working, what's not working. Slate has grown a lot since you implemented probably, and you also might have learned a lot more things about how to properly set things up as well. So some of the institutions that I've worked with have an individual bin for each department and or program because they weren't familiar with how to properly set up permissions to be able to use the same bin but not have faculty members see applications that they shouldn't be seeing.
Danielle Buczek
03:28:09 PM
@Nina, in our case it is not an exclusive permission, but it's also not inherited.
So things like that don't just kind of take the old system and dump it. That's also another reason why it's difficult to answer the question of how long it will take us to migrate over because if we're doing a big, you know, kind of rebuild rehaul of our system, it might be a bigger process to move things over. Couple of things to consider. These are best practices that are true in the legacy process as well, but when to build multiple workflows versus a single workflow potentially with multiple groups. And the biggest thing here is that an application can only be.
Lindsay Gentile
03:28:46 PM
Do applications load faster when you move off legacy Reader?
In one bin at a time within the same workflow. So having separate groups does not mean that it can live in two different groups if it's in the same workflow. So the biggest thing is, can these applications exist in these processes concurrently, or are they always kind of either before or after the other? So for example, if you have a scholarship review or honors program or processing or something that could run parallel with your admissions review process, you'd want to pop that out into a separate workflow.
So that the application could live in two different bins in the same workflow. Naming conventions always super important.
Best practices with showing Reader tab groups. My preference is to completely hide the reader tab if the student should never have that material. So for example, if you have a tab for international documents or personal statement and that student is a domestic student or never has to submit.
A personal statement. I'd rather hide that tab entirely versus something that's an optional material, like a resume would just be grayed out if it could be there, but it's not necessarily. The student doesn't have that material for their application.
Creating application populations and I mentioned this above when talking through the the groups, but you don't need to have a separate bin and use a bin permission to segment off which applications within the bin someone should see.
Danielle Buczek
03:30:12 PM
Conversion from departmental reader local query bases to CJ with populations is the big lift for us. :-(
So there's plenty of resources to understand how to set up populations. Some of those are LinkedIn, our portal as well, but definitely a best practice to make sure that folks are only seeing the things that they can and should be able to see.
You no longer have to use custom SQL to segment off permissions, so that would be set up within custom permissions in the new legacy reader. So no need to go to the query bases and and add that custom SQL to segment things off.
I know we've talked through a lot of things that have to be rebuilt and a lot of that is because we're moving from the local base into configurable joins and anyone who has built a query on the wrong base knows there is no undoing, it's just starting over with a new base. So we did want to be green and talk about some of the things that you can reuse. So reader review forms exactly the same. So unless you're restructuring your review forms as a part of your process overhaul, you can use the exact same reader review forms. You would just link those up with the bins in the workflow editor.
If you've already built any portal dashboards or any custom PDF materials, those can be linked within the new workflow editor just as they could in the old reader process or the legacy workflow process, and then custom permissions. If you just already have custom permissions set up for other places within Slate, then obviously you can just drop those in where you can control permissions within the new workflow editor.
OK, how to break up with default workflow with our legacy reader. So to turn off the little box which will show on the next slide that shows in the reader tool, you'll go to database query bases which is tagged as a legacy tool. And then in the applications base you just toggle the enable reader to know. So we'll show you the difference between those interfaces. So we can see the box on the very left here is that legacy reader process.
And then just by disabling reader in the query base that no longer shows there. But default workflow has been the default for a while so it's kind of hanging around in a couple of other places. One of the places where default workflow hangs around is in batch management. So if I create an app scoped query and I'm trying to let's say clear the bins, maybe I'm doing my cycle prep. The workflow that is in that drop down is always default workflow, at least at this point.
Umm, so you would want to change that to whatever workflow you're working in. So if we transition to the new workflow editor, I create a new application review. I've disabled it in the query base, It's still going to be there and it's a really easy one to miss as well, especially if you've kind of moved on from the legacy reader. You'll hit clear bin and you'll say why didn't any of these move? Make sure that you've adjusted which workflow you should. You should be selecting a couple of other places that inherently the default workflow hangs around, but we do have some CSS in our resource portal to do a little bit of hiding.
Of those is some information in the person and application dashboards, whether that's actual kind of metadata about the application or the visual cue of the bins. And I think those ones make a little bit more sense with the visuals. One small note, even if you have moved on from legacy reader, you're fully in the new workflow editor. One kind of niche spot where you would maybe need to go back into these pieces of the database that are tagged as legacy.
Is if you're building out that Admin PDF download, which I know. I think we had a question submitted about this, but otherwise is not really what we're talking about. But you do have to go into the Reader tab, Materials, parentheses, Legacy or deprecated? I forget what it says now, even if you're not using the legacy reader, that's just how that specific admin PDF download is set up.
Anna Marie Tallman
03:34:10 PM
thanks for the pdf info!
OK, so here's the code. Once again, it's all in the portal so this is just to display, it's just throwing in some CSS here. We have a copy and paste version so please don't feel the need to type this code out by any means. But this is some CSS that you would add into your dashboard to be able to. You would add it to your custom dashboard to hide the default dashboard for the default workflow information. So if you see the before here, there's some metadata there at the top.
Which some schools want to get rid of just because they're showing it in another way on their custom dashboard. But it's showing current bin, the queue, the status, the submitted date, all of that. And when Mark shows the after, you'll notice that that completely disappears and all of that data there is now just what we've put in the custom application dashboard.
Same thing here with the visual bin diagram. The default workflow shows at the top of a reader tab or an application tab if the application isn't currently in there. It doesn't take up that much space, but it is kind of nice to get it out of there, especially since it's called default. I think that can be a little bit confusing if we're not using it. So this is an example where the student is currently in a bin, so obviously it's taking up a little bit more real estate than if they weren't in a bin. But that's the before and then if you throw that CSS in there, it completely hides the default workflow.
Megan Strunk
03:35:44 PM
Is there a visual for the new workflow?
Nina Takács
03:35:45 PM
Would love to have a button to automatically hide these if we are disabling the legacy reader!
OK, one thing I want to make sure to emphasize is even if you're querying inconfigurable joins, there is a difference between querying inconfigurable joins for legacy reader information and new workflow information. Current bin is one that a lot of people are using in queries in Rules.
Maybe deliver messages, although I have opinions about whether or not we need to be doing that.
This is somewhat of an equivalency equivalency with an asterisk, I'll say of where the data lives in Legacy Reader and where the data lives in the workflow editor. So these are totally separate tables With inslee. If you look at the sequel on the back end, they are referencing different places. So I would never be able to build a query for something that is built in the new workflow editor and pull current bin. That table is not storing that information.
So application reader queue, the equivalent is workflow bin, user queue. And once again these equivalencies are in the portal as well.
Current bin for the most part is equivalent to workflow bin. We're going to talk through kind of the the one to one versus 1 to many component of this. Because default workflow was one workflow, it was singular. So current bin there is only one option because I can only be in one bin at a time. Workflow bin the generic join.
I could be in two workflows and be in a current bin for each, so you'll notice it has that little one to many symbol next to it when you join from application to workflow Bin because I could be in a couple of different workflows, but that's essentially the current bin. Then we also have the equivalencies for bin history and then workflow bin user history.
So just to give you a little bit of a visual here, when we're talking about joining to workflow BIN generically versus that specific workflow, it's kind of similar to the idea of joining to all forms versus you know the specific form except you can have multiple form submissions. So that's not entirely true, but essentially the more broad version versus the more specific table. Once again application to workflow BIN has that one to many symbols.
Application to your specific workflow. Join is a one to one join. And remember, that's the biggest thing of whether or not it's typically safe to do a base or a global join is whether or not it's that one to one or one to many relationship.
OK, couple of other best practices that we just wanted to throw out there. If you build rules within the tab part of the workflow bin automation, it still shows in the main rules editor with insight and vice versa, which is super handy. So you don't have to go specifically to the workflow to see the rule. But when you go into rules, you can also access that specific workflow.
Just our tip about making sure to change the correct workflow in batch management, which we've already talked through.
Tara Teeple
03:39:34 PM
Is there a "Field Search" equivalent to find Deliver mailings that use a specific field (in this case, current bin)?
And then one kind of nuance, when you create a new workflow, it comes with a view that is called defaults, but the default view box isn't actually checked. So that can sometimes be a cause of confusion of there's no applications in the bin, but it's just because that that view maybe hasn't been selected because it wasn't selected as the default workflow. We've got a couple of knowledge based articles here as well about building out reader portals and just in general troubleshooting workflows. So those are LinkedIn, our portal.
One of the things that is also LinkedIn the portal and explained in more detail. One of the things that I think an example of how things can be a little bit less intuitive, a little less out-of-the-box in querying and configurable joints. Still totally worth it and using query libraries is a great way to go to simplify this process. But how to query on the existence of a portfolio item in configurable joins? So these are six O 1 half dozen of the other. They're both exactly the same in terms of the sequel, so whichever one you prefer.
And then we do also have a suitcase link in our portal, and it has a query library with both of these in there, both as exports and as filters. So if you never want to have to build these, you can just suitcase that suitcase them into your instance.
OK, now Mark, who kind of looks like he's in the matrix on ice cream. Well, your sound is great, so that's what matters, yeah.
Yeah, yeah. I think that's what matters as long as I'm able to share my screen and you guys can hear me.
Perfect. We'll take that. Yeah. We just sacrificed one thing. I guess it's, I guess it's this.
Danielle Buczek
03:40:53 PM
I can't hear Mark, either
Paula Steele
03:40:57 PM
I can't hear Mark
Gwendolyn Page
03:40:59 PM
@Mark, I believe you can continue sharing your screen if you toggle your Broadcast on and off.
OK. Thanks Emma. So what we're going to do next is, you know this will be a deeper dive webinar unless we took a live look in, in terms of some of this build and some of these kind of fun features that we put together.
Diana Gomez
03:41:08 PM
Can't hear Mark
Will Burenheide
03:41:14 PM
yeah no mark even after refresh
Jaime Saure
03:41:19 PM
no mark
Mk Reilly
03:41:19 PM
I can hear Mark actually
Diana Gomez
03:41:19 PM
even after refreshing my browser
Tess McHugh
03:41:21 PM
I can hear Mark!
Chris Kizer
03:41:21 PM
I can hear him
Tara Lindros
03:41:22 PM
I can hear him!
Paula Steele
03:41:22 PM
Same here
Megan Strunk
03:41:23 PM
I can hear him just fine
Brandon Shadel
03:41:24 PM
It works for me
Bree Meade
03:41:25 PM
I can hear him just fine!
Mo Brazil
03:41:25 PM
I can hear Mark!
So we are going to go out of the presentation into our slate instance. Hopefully this works and once again you can just kind of see what the workflow is before and after kind of look like. But we're going to jump into the equivalent of the new workflow for application review. I go into my queue, go into look at one of my kids. You can see here just real quickly that the default if there is no view pre selected, it's a default with this kind of Gray bar.
Paula Steele
03:41:36 PM
I cannot hear Mark after refresh
Ana Diaz Trochez
03:41:37 PM
I cant hear him. I'll refresh
Shellie Crisman
03:41:42 PM
I hear him however the feedback is pretty bad
Danielle Buczek
03:41:44 PM
Refreshed twice but no sound
Over it. But if I were to click on it, you could see some of my preset views that I built for this scenario. Very similar to what it would look like in Legacy and step up on top. It's down here, yes.
Anna Marie Tallman
03:41:49 PM
I've refreshed twice, can't hear Mark.
Alice Manning
03:41:51 PM
Can't hear him after refreshing.
Hey Mark, I'm so sorry to interrupt you. Umm, it looks like some folks are having difficulty hearing you even after refreshing the page. Would you mind turning your broadcast off and then back on? You should retain your screen share.
And then folks, Walmart's broadcast is off. You might try refreshing the page to clear up any audio issues there. Oh wow, it's fun to watch that participants number go down and then back up as people are refreshing.
And we've just lost Marks screen share. He might be refreshing as well.
Nina Takács
03:42:36 PM
yes plz
Sarah Alkire
03:42:36 PM
Yes, please.
Tess McHugh
03:42:37 PM
Michael Plourd
03:42:38 PM
All day
Sarah-Davis Cagle
03:42:38 PM
yes please
Mo Brazil
03:42:38 PM
Yes Emma!
Julio Villeta
03:42:38 PM
Kelly Connor Lewis
03:42:38 PM
Yes please
Tara Lindros
03:42:39 PM
Megan Strunk
03:42:40 PM
I love dad jokes
Mark Perillo | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:42:43 PM
Sorry.. I have audio issue . brb
I do have a really bad joke if anyone wants the a joke. In the meantime, I always have a lot of dad jokes at the ready. Why is Ireland's government so wealthy?
Because its capital is always Dublin.
Sarah-Davis Cagle
03:42:53 PM
Jaime Saure
03:42:54 PM
Nina Takács
03:42:54 PM
Emily Tjahjono
03:42:55 PM
Heyyy oooooo
Julio Villeta
03:42:55 PM
Tara Lindros
03:42:55 PM
Oh no!
Megan Strunk
03:42:55 PM
Sarah Alkire
03:42:55 PM
Canaan Perry
03:42:57 PM
Victoria Hilditch
03:42:57 PM
Brittney Dorow
03:42:58 PM
Ben Parsons
03:42:58 PM
Now, when's going to kick me out? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Brandon Shadel
03:42:58 PM
Sarah Balz
03:42:59 PM
Rob Galarza
03:42:59 PM
Nina Takács
03:43:00 PM
stop it
Danielle Buczek
03:43:05 PM
Oof, it's a dad economics joke??
Tess McHugh
03:43:06 PM
or...they're always in the green!?
Alex Street
03:43:10 PM
I rish we didn't have to hear that.
Alright, yeah, alright, I'll be taking over from here. Can you send me your slides please? Umm, just kidding. I would definitely not succeed. Umm, let's give it just another minute for Mark MRU possibly able to jump in.
Oh, here he is, the man himself.
Sorry, can you guys hear me now?
Jonathan Huang
03:43:22 PM
Paula Steele
03:43:22 PM
Danielle Buczek
03:43:24 PM
welcome back!!
Nina Takács
03:43:25 PM
He Back!
Nathan Rush
03:43:26 PM
Sounds good
Shana Healy-Kern
03:43:26 PM
Yeah, I hear you. I didn't have a problem to begin with, though, so it looks like we're seeing some positive feedback.
Diana Gomez
03:43:29 PM
(clapping emoji)
Mo Brazil
03:43:29 PM
I can hear!
Sarah-Davis Cagle
03:43:30 PM
loud & clear
Brandon Shadel
03:43:31 PM
Fine, hopefully. Thank you everyone.
They're really happy to see you instead of me. I told a bad joke, so.
Apologies for the technical difficulties.
Tracy Phillippe
03:43:37 PM
no issues either now or before!
I know everyone's probably excited for this this demo.
Wonderful. Alright, I'm gonna.
Nina Takács
03:43:44 PM
OK. So we're back to the work flows. I know we're here, we're in time crunch here. So hopefully we can go through this real quickly. But I was mentioning that the.
Danielle Buczek
03:43:53 PM
if echo, refresh
Paula Steele
03:43:54 PM
refresh if you hear an echo
The default workload. There's no default selected, it's just a great icon. If you were to click on it, the drop down would show all the presets.
Views that a user could see, but we're going to go to my record.
Nina Takács
03:44:07 PM
all better ha ha
Lauren Miller
03:44:14 PM
Mr bean lol
And then here's some of the functionalities that we could kind of have in the brand new workflow design. One of the things you know that has been possible in the legacy reader is the ability to add a reader portal. So it is just a sample reader portal with head shots.
You know, school information, relationship information, address, test scores, all this stuff is dummy, so there's no PII stuff in this.
The one other things that we could do here in the portal is we could do your links shameless plug. What I did here is I did a link to our HRC pre summit portal for those folks who are coming to Chicago in June. But you can do links inside your portal transcripts.
Um, we are the same functionality as it was available in the legacy is still available. You could do annotations. You can still zoom in on different pieces. Once again this dummy dummy information. So I'm not displaying any PII information, so junk stuff. You could also have portals to do interactions. In this case I have historical notes that were saved on my test record. You could totally display this out to the reader if they need to look at comments and historical information.
You can also head links. So if I wanted to take a link to my test record, I could definitely click on this link and it would take me to the my my Student record profile.
One of the things that we want we talked about before is the concept of data. DCS are data containers. So once again, these one to many's you could you know, have them be a data container and just display the information out for the readers to look at. So here's just a data container of all the relationships in my record and once again we can see here that it's.
That it's possible to, you know, take a peek in terms of what was.
Available relationship wise, there's Mama, step, dad, Papa and Sister. All that information is is also available here as APDF if you don't have.
Have the the resources to create portals themselves. You can also do data containers for entity. I have a data entity for the store multiple last names for student record. So instead of you know having it in in one page I I created an example of a section break where you know this is a real legitimate example but just kind of leveraging how section breaks will work in a data container PDF.
How he'll just break things up into multiple pages depending on what your needs are. One last example of a data container is storing school information. If it is school based, you can't add documents along with the school data. So you can display attendance, state, school name, all that fun stuff and the corresponding transcript for that specific school. If you want to organize your school information this way. Nothing different with the reader form. Once again, Emma mentioned that.
You know, whatever reader forms you have in your legacy reading process, you can totally migrate and reuse those in the new workforce.
OK, up on top here is the search box. In old school legacy you could have doing the search to look at multiple students from one student record to the other. In the new workflow, if I did a search for DePaul it actually does a name search of all of any documents in the student records. So.
Brittney Dorow
03:47:46 PM
LOVE that
The word DePaul, it actually has this blue highlight underlined whenever finds these matches and if we scroll through it, it just shows you where throughout the various documents the word DePaul shows up. So my passport, it's listed in there, you know in the in the reader forms and previous reader forms it shows up in there. So it kind of search functionality kind of performs differently than than how it used to work in the in the old school legacy reader process.
The one thing that the search doesn't do, they will not search inside portals. So you saw me doing a search on De Paul. De Paul is one of my school histories in my portal. However, I did find it in there, it just found it in in all the other reader tabs just to give you a heads up on that. Also just kind of take a quick look in the reader look up section. Once again, we can kind of customize it in terms of whatever your business needs are if you don't want to show them the address information or the e-mail and the school information just on the box.
Totally doable. Once again we had that script code where you could hide the edit. So if I was a user and I don't want to be moving and reassigning this record to anybody, I don't have the ability. But then you also have the functionality to kind of manage the the out-of-the-box configurations, you know the workflow itself. Let's just say if I don't want to display you know the the the application for example or maybe I don't want that download PDF button.
Elaina Mullins
03:49:33 PM
Can you edit Lookup Settings for different bins? Or does it apply to the whole workflow?
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:49:36 PM
@ Anna Marie - here is a feedback request for your question about data containers in a PDF:
I don't want my users downloading stuff. If I go back in here, download PDF, here's the application section. If I refresh my browser based on these new settings and come back in there, the information now kind of disappears. So you have total control over the reader lookup section in terms of what you can see and what you don't want your readers to to have it. And and kind of in terms of data if if you for example if you have a portal page, all that information is already available.
On the portal itself, you know you don't need to look at that stuff in multiple places.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:50:02 PM
OK, here is actual a copy of the resource portal. Thank you very much. All the information that we are presenting here, all the slides, all the code.
A copy of our slide deck is available in this resource. By all means, it is free to your disposal. We also here in the slide deck are kind of showing links to other.
Will Burenheide
03:50:32 PM
TYSM for sharing that portal and creating it! amazing work HCRC.
Victoria Hilditch
03:50:42 PM
Thank you!
Resources, So different Slate articles about kind of starting the workflow process for those who are concerned about configural joins and just kind of making sure that they have the proper skill set. Slate has plenty of knowledge based articles talking about some of those pieces. There's also a suitcase that technologies offered some of the more common local computer joined filters and exports.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:51:01 PM
you're so welcome!
Nina Takács
03:51:10 PM
Thank you Mark and Emma!
Hyosun McLeod
03:51:14 PM
Thank you for sharing the portal! I have one question- is it possible to create a unique URL for each workflow?
They actually did the translation for you at the person base and the application base to kind of make your lives easier. So you'll need to know all computer joints from the very beginning. And then there's also kind of more articles about Realms and about e-mail queue notifications, building those out as e-mail reminders. Slate has some very good resources for that as well. Here's we have links to the feedback request, how to copy a workflow. By all means, please consider updating that along with the various other items that we talked about in the previous slides.
That we might think might be helpful for those folks who are transitioning from legacy reader to the brand new workflow process. More resources By all means. We have an HRC Community Group form in the community forms. Please by all means.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:51:49 PM
This one has zero to do with new workflows, but I really want it:
Jump on board, join our page. The Also Tech Dilutions community forums is a great place. A lot of activity, a lot of people asking questions, a lot of people answering questions with the Technolutions team and there's also these kind of two external sources.
Allow popular use in the Facebook supergroup as well as a side channel. So once again we have all these links in our portal by all means. There's also some upcoming community conversations. If you want to know more information, you want to talk you through with more, more people. Nine times out of 10, you'll see me at these community conversations as well. So, but you know anything about the collecting data in the reader process, displaying data data containers in general. These are some upcoming dates.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:52:46 PM
also - Configurable Joins: The Basics
Tuesday, 5/14/2024
4:00 PM Eastern
Rob Galarza
03:52:51 PM
Reminder! HCRC does have Pre-Summit programming. Learn more about that AND tips on exploring Chicago while at Summit.
For those who've never been to a community conversation, you just click on the Your Picture icon on the top right corner of your sleep instance, go to Whole Slate, and then from there there'll be a tab for community support and then a link that will take you to the community conversation portal pages.
Nina Takács
03:52:52 PM
Upvoting this one just for you Emma
Rob Galarza
03:52:52 PM
OK, Emma, that was a lot. We have 8 minutes.
I knew it. I knew we were going to run up against, run up against time. There's a lot of topics to to talk through with this.
I think the next slide is maybe the most commonly asked question, which fingers crossed, we've answered throughout the presentation. Why should I switch? Essentially, it already works, right? Our legacy reader process works. Why would we want to transition to the new process And 100%?
I do not want to downplay. This is a big undertaking to transition these pieces over and obviously application review is a really important part of your process. It does not need to be done immediately, it does not need to be done in one fell swoop. That is why our advice is to start building it out as you're able, as you have 30 minutes to be able to look through, get some bin structures in place, apply some review forms, maybe tease out your existing bin movement rules.
See, if you want to adjust things, it doesn't have to be all at once, but it is something that eventually we will want all schools to have moved into the new workflow editor. Please, if you're building anything new, absolutely be building it in the new workflow editor to get used to those things. Some schools have started building out, maybe like their honors review process in the new workflow editor, and then they kind of get used to it before they actually transition their full application review.
Best practices, hopefully. We've also kind of talked through those as well. This is certainly an area where this varies so much depending on your institution, right? What your review process constitutes, how you want queue notifications to be set up, how things are assigned, how you want to route those applications. But in general, how to build things out in production, being able to use the test environment, absolutely part of the best practice with building in the.
Gwendolyn Page
03:55:26 PM
Query libraries are incredible!:
Incomparable joints in general, not just in the new workflow editor. Please use the query library. Please don't rebuild the same exports and filters 17 times as you're building out anything in Slate. It's essentially a really good way to be able to effectively copy and paste what can sometimes be complicated or just monotonous exports and filters, as well as making sure that the information is queried on correctly to just kind of be able to apply it in multiple places should you need that.
This one I don't know if we want to spend much time talking through specifically. There is a step by step explanation for this one in the portal. So since someone submitted this ahead of time, it is also in. We have an example of bin movement rule in our suitcase and then we also have it in the query library to specifically compare the transcript, which we inferred to mean school scoped material. But we also built it out for Person and Application scoped since those joins can be a little bit trickier since they're in different tables.
When I don't know how much you want us to keep rocking with the pre submitted questions versus any that are in the chat. I know we're going to run out of time either way so.
It's totally up to you. I'm just here on camera as emotional support and to say my piece when we've got about two minutes left.
Yeah, what we could do Emma, is, is we could kind of answer those those questions in the chat.
Probably, you know, and just kind of reach out to the whole group if everyone's curious about some of these answers. And I do apologize that, you know, due to my technical difficulties, I couldn't get to all that stuff, yeah.
Leah Amos
03:56:43 PM
We have 300+ programs reviewing applications in Slate so we have a TON of rules for bin movement currently that will need to rebuild as well. Do you have any best practices or ideas for robust testing for this transition?
We we still wrapped through a lot of information, Mark, So yeah, yeah.
Yeah. Oh yeah, definitely.
And our emails are in the resource portal as well. So if you want to shoot us an e-mail, ask an additional question.
Yeah, there. I know a lot of questions about permissioning and kind of rebuilding things. So like I said before, we do just want to acknowledge we know it's not an easy thing. It's not just a flip of a switch or, you know, kind of a quick move. And obviously a lot of you are wearing a lot of hats in your roles. But if there's anything that we can do to help with that process, just shoot us an e-mail and we can try to give some some advice.
Aroona Madden
03:57:23 PM
Thank you for the portal link. will this portal remain indefinitely or is there a limit?
Yeah. The one thing I do want to cover real quickly in like the next 3 minutes is this, this concept of of the custom permissions and bases and just kind of some of these populations that a lot of the legacy reader kind of leverages with query bases. One of the things when it comes to transition making that move to the to the new workflow processes is to leverage application populations and role groups.
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:57:57 PM
Hi, Aroona! It will be out there indefinitely :)
Aroona Madden
03:58:15 PM
Noice. Thank you Emma :)
So essentially the permissions you know when you when you have the custom SQL and the where clause and then the custom permission send your query basis the the the The equivalency in the new version is obviously to still use the same population but then add the and then build a role group. Add the web refinance you want for that role group and then for each user in the user permissions you one of the tabs is called populations.
And then you add your population to that person and then the specific rule group for that population. So for example, if you have a biology population where only biology faculty could read biology applications, the population would be a biology population. You'd write the role group you'll call Biology faculty, and then then you go to Bob Smith, who's a faculty, give him the population of the biology population.
Nina Takács
03:59:03 PM
And in the role group, so that when he's in the, when he's in the readers, he can only review biology applications very similar to how it's kind of done with the query bases. So it just kind of making that transformation and once again our resource portal, we'll cover some of those resources as well. So that's one that there's kind of other theme about the query bases and how to move away from that into the new workflow processes real quickly.
Just one quick last slide.
Paula Steele
03:59:20 PM
Amazing! This is great information!
Emma Hayek | Human Capital Research Corporation
03:59:28 PM
Aroona Madden
03:59:28 PM
Hi Nina!!
Victoria Hilditch
03:59:33 PM
Very helpful!
Ben Parsons
03:59:36 PM
Thank you, HCRC!
Nicole Howell
03:59:41 PM
Thank you both!
Nina Takács
03:59:43 PM
Thank you so much!!
Brittney Dorow
03:59:45 PM
Thank you!
If you have any questions or concerns, by all means here's our contact information. I know I'm already through the resource portal in the chat, by all means, all the documentation, all the code is in there. For those that are coming to Chicago in June, we'll be, we'll be in Table 32. By all means stop on by say hi and then Rob mentioned kind of in the slide in the chat earlier that we're hosting some pre conference workshops and seminars. One of them is actually configurable joints.
About it, by all means, take a look at that.
And see what kind of presentations and information that HCRC is presenting.
Or find out where the best Chicago hot dog is, right, Mark. Yeah.
Aroona Madden
04:00:06 PM
Thank you, great information!
Yes, exactly. Yes. So shameless plug I did the, I did the the.
Shelley Richer
04:00:10 PM
Thank you
Shana Healy-Kern
04:00:25 PM
Cindy's is great!
Megan Strunk
04:00:26 PM
Garrett's popcorn is soooo good
Compiling of places to go in Chicago for those who have never been to Chicago, me being a Chicago in myself, I recommend some of these places. By all means. We have a whole section. If you want to find some of the favorite restaurants, some of the favorites rooftop bars, things to do attraction wise, by all means, but then also.
Gwendolyn Page
04:00:35 PM
No Chicago Diner!?
John Nordmeyer
04:00:46 PM
Excellent presentation, Emma and Mark!
Are some of our conferences here. We are hosting beginner, intermediate configurable joints as well as a Jedi session for those who are advanced CJ folks. So by all means, at the very least you send come by our table and say hi in June if you're able to join us in Chicago.
Danielle Buczek
04:00:48 PM
thank you!
Elaina Mullins
04:00:51 PM
Shana Healy-Kern
04:00:52 PM
Thank you!
Kelly Connor Lewis
04:00:52 PM
See you in Chicago!
Ben Parsons
04:00:56 PM
Gwen asking the real questions
Chicago Diner I do. If you like vegetarians or vegan meals, yes, Chicago Diner is a great place. They're they're meatloaf is amazing. Gwen.
Emily Tjahjono
04:01:11 PM
Park Watson
04:01:12 PM
Thank you!
Emilie Gordon
04:01:13 PM
thank you!
Sarah Willette
04:01:17 PM
Great presentation, thank you!
Brad Wolf
04:01:17 PM
Thank you!
Brittney Dorow
04:01:18 PM
Thank you!
Sarah Balz
04:01:18 PM
Thank you!
Ashley Cooper
04:01:21 PM
Thank you!!
Sarah-Davis Cagle
04:01:21 PM
Thank you for the info & the portal!!
Bishop Sanders
04:01:24 PM
Thank you all!
Chicago Diner is one of the many things I miss about living in Illinois, so I had to give them a a good shout out there as a vegan myself. But thank you so much Mark and Emma for this amazing presentation. I see that folks are starting to trickle away, but as Mark and Emma said, we are really looking forward to seeing you all at Summit. This information is recorded. You'll be getting some follow-ups as well from Emma and Mark, I believe so.
Brad Wolf
04:01:28 PM
You made me less scared to tackle this process!
Canaan Perry
04:01:32 PM
thank you!!!
Ashley Gomez
04:01:34 PM
Great info - thank you!!
Really. That's all I had to say. I really appreciate your time, Emma. Mark, as always, awesome work, always great to work with you and see you.
Paula Steele
04:01:36 PM
Sam Hamilton
04:01:37 PM
Thank you!