Katie Bolton
11:00:19 AM
My living room.
Sara Wilkins
11:00:26 AM
Mount St. Mary's in (rainy) Maryland!
Katie Bolton
11:00:27 AM
:-) Kansas City!
Natalie Schmidt
11:00:32 AM
Hello from IWU in Bloomington.
Robin Chase
11:00:34 AM
Saint Martin's University, Olympia, WA
Teresa Planty
11:00:34 AM
Clarkson University - Upstate NY
Welcome to today's Spotlight on Giving campaigns. That's where waiting for everyone to join our conversation today. Go ahead, type into the chat. Let us know where you're calling in from or dialing in from or computering in from. We are, of course, right here in New Haven, CT where is a wonderfully cloudy day here. Yes, for all you people working remote welcome from your living rooms, it's good to have you here. Probably some familiar faces in the chat so far. Hey, Sarah. Hey, Kitty. Welcome, Welcome, Natalie.
Good to have you all here.
Lloyd Lentz
11:00:38 AM
Hello All! From Saint Paul, MN
Laurie Bowers
11:00:41 AM
Good Morning from Simpson College
Erik Rettig
11:00:42 AM
Hello all. IWU from Florida.
Victor Nuovo
11:00:43 AM
Hi! Victor from Williams!
Chris Frana
11:00:43 AM
Living rooms are the best!
Andrew Cappuzzello
11:00:43 AM
Hi Shawn! Andrew and Kayla from Kent State!
Lauren Lottman
11:00:44 AM
Lewis & Clark in Portland, OR
Ohh, some people from New York, Washington, though it's a little bit early. Robin out on the West Coast. Thanks for joining us.
Nathan Ersig
11:00:45 AM
Hello from Luther College!
Melida De Leon
11:00:45 AM
Hi from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston
Julie Higgins
11:00:47 AM
Hello from Austin College - Sherman, Texas
Jim Etkin
11:00:47 AM
cheer from the Hudson Valley
Brianne Berogan
11:00:50 AM
Hi from Augustana!
Matt Kudler
11:00:50 AM
Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore
Debra Bohlman
11:00:53 AM
Collegeville, Minnesota
Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Yeah. It's people from Luther Lucent Clark, Texas. This is all good. Or from all over the country today. This is wonderful.
Megan Evens
11:00:59 AM
Hello from College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University in MN!
Keith Harris
11:01:01 AM
Kenyon College
Abbie Shupe
11:01:03 AM
Hello from Queens University of Charlotte!
Tala Davidson
11:01:23 AM
Hello from Kalamazoo College in Michigan!
Michael Otter-Johnson
11:01:28 AM
Hello from Saint Martin's University!
Excellent. We're just give it another minute as people continue to join in our conversation today before we get going on some very fun and exciting things related to giving campaigns inside of the slate. Great, we have some folks from Loyola, from Kenyan, Queens. This is, this is a really good group that we have going on here. Jim, good to have you here. I see you dial in from the Hudson Valley that is awesome to have you perfect Wentworth talent, good to have you in here as well.
Ashlin Tabiadon
11:01:29 AM
Good morning from Albion!
Deb Chaulk
11:01:30 AM
Hello from Williams College
Awesome. So I think we may be reaching the point where most people are here. So we'll go ahead and get started. For those of you who I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name is Sean Kelly and the General Manager of Advancement here at Tech Solutions. And today we're going to be talking about a special spotlight on giving campaigns. So a couple of housekeeping things just to get out of the way. At the very beginning, we are recording this webinar so you'll be able to have access to it later. We will also put this on our website so you can just quickly.
References there. If you need closed captioning, you can enable that by clicking the little CC button on the top right of this window. Also up there is the option to enable full screen and if there's any audio or video problems that happen during the presentation, feel free just to give your browser a quick refresh. Everything should ultimately sync back up as we move through today's conversation. We're going to start with first a presentation that talks a little bit high level about what we have going on with campaigns. Well, what is actually.
Going to be changing with campaigns and then at the end we'll have time for questions and get into a screen share to sort of unpack things a little bit more. But as we move through the presentation portion of this, feel free to just keep adding questions into the chat. I have some of my wonderful and capable colleagues on the call with me today keeping track of all those questions so that way we won't lose them when they are in the chat. So without further ado, let's start talking a little bit more about giving campaigns and I first want to start by talking about the.
Ashlin Tabiadon
11:03:01 AM
Morning from Albion, in Michigan!
State of what campaigns are in Slate right now. The way that campaigns exist is really just as a data point that you're able to set on a gift. It provides sort of a bucket or a mechanism to group your different gifts together. So what we have is namely the the name of the campaign, a goal for the campaign and a start and end date. It's fairly straightforward and when you look at what that campaign looks like, we presented in this type of format where we have sort of the name, some of those pieces of information right at the top.
Shirley Turner
11:03:38 AM
Hello from Corban University, Salem, Oregon
Amy Lampi
11:03:45 AM
Greetings from Houston, TX!
And then a query right underneath that shows what are all the gifts that are coming into this particular campaign. We also have a little gauge, a little tachometer U there that shows that progress or that percentage that's happening as your gifts are being counted towards that overall goal and a little spot for notes.
As most of you are also familiar with, when you're entering a campaign, at the moment you're selecting from a drop down list of what are those campaigns and simply selecting it. So that's how you're making that data connection between the gift and the campaign. So what are we talking about now? Well, we're talking about actually stuff that we've already heard from all of you. So we want to start first by talking about what is the community feedback that we've heard related to campaigns. We've been talking about campaigns for a while.
You guys have had great suggestions and ideas and thoughts that have made its way into Sleep Labs, into community conversations, into the feedback form and these are some of the things that we ultimately heard. We heard that there's a strong desire to have things like sub campaigns where there's actually a hierarchy of campaigns so you know things within each other. We heard that there's ability to want to have things like notes or interactions or the ability to add custom fields to campaigns. So that way you are actually in charge of how you want to classify.
Or add sort of metadata to those campaigns to further along your groupings or further accentuate the information that ultimately is connected to the gifts as they come in. We heard that you you don't like the the tachometer, the gauge thing there. So you heard that you're looking for a thermometer approach to classic fundraising sort of visual that's there. We heard desires for things like committees and committees that could be connected to users and data set records and people, things like.
Carlos Galo
11:05:48 AM
Welcome all! Please post questions and comments as they come up here.
Donor pyramids right inside of campaigns to help with your segmentation, things where you're uploading campaign based materials, basically collections that you're able to keep everything all in one place. And so we were looking at all this feedback and we we thought well actually there's a lot of those things if we look at these items that are here, a lot of these things can be accomplished kind of natively, natively within a data set configurations. And so we started to think.
How can we change rather than sort of recreate the campaigns? Well, as it exists can we think about easy migration path where datasets actually become more where campaigns are located. It follows sort of a familiar path where things like appeals were once prompt list and now moved to data sets. Things like companies are are datasets, class, years, namespaces, all these things that is actually very familiar I think the advancement community. So we thought can we do the same sort of thing?
With campaigns and so as of today, actually you have the ability to use campaign. Sorry to use datasets for your campaigns. So how does this actually work? What does this familiar process look like? Well.
When you now go to make a a gift and you start wanting connect it to a campaign, the campaigns option that was a drop down that's a select list is now going to be an auto suggest. So just like looking for a funds just like looking for appeals. You can now start to type in the name of your campaigns and see what those are and it's going to pull from AA campaigns data set that will exist just like your other types of data set records in the auto suggest. You can of course make additional header and index rules so that way you can display.
Gina Mandros
11:07:09 AM
Hello from Illinois Wesleyan University!
Additional pieces of information right along with the name of the campaign. So is it active? Is it inactive? What are the dates? How much has been raised? You can start to have some of those metadata show up right here when you're entering in a gift.
So I mentioned the data set. So campaigns will exist sort of just right along the side of your other data sets that are there in our advancement showcase environment. You can actually see this today where we have some a few examples of campaigns, different goals, but you can customize what those columns look like when someone goes to look up a campaign. So let's dive in and look at how you might want to think about structuring what this actually looks like. So for an example, giving day campaign some very familiar things that we're used to seeing from a data set record perspective.
One thing that we have here is a dashboard. The dashboard does have a thermometer that's being built and displayed right within here. It's going to dynamically adjust as gifts are coming in and that percentage to that overall goal is ultimately accomplished.
Moving through some of our others, just standard tabs on a data set, record the timeline. This is going to allow you to have people put in notes or comments or interactions about things related to the campaign. The profile can be filled out with and if there's a particular campaign contact or relationship that you want to have, that can be managed right on this particular record. Materials as well can now be created and scoped and associated directly to your campaign. So maybe you have one. What is all the collateral? Can you put all the collateral in one place?
This is a centralized place where people can access that information and now knowing that you can upload materials and preserve their particular format type a really great sort of central repository for the actual assets as opposed to a rasterized version of those different assets.
Moving through onto a Campaign details tab, this is where you'll have some of those same data points that are from our current state or the current state of campaigns. Things like the the start date, the ending goal are now just custom standard custom fields that exist on this campaigns data set record. But you notice we also have additional ones here to help get more more information related to a campaign and a more standard way where we now we can have classifications for things like a campaign type.
So does a parent campaign or is it a sub or a standalone type of campaign? Is there a stretch goal associated with it? If we are looking at a sort of sub campaign, we can now conditionally display that information and have it linked back up to that overall campaign using a related data set row field. So you can now start to build out what these different levels are hierarchies or relationships are between your different campaigns. You'll also notice down here at the bottom that you're able to have things like entities.
Also now a part of campaigns as we move it to that data set route, where now you can say here's a person, here's the type, here's the role on the campaign. Do they have their own specific goal that they need to reach to raise money for a particular campaign?
Again that's the sort of standalone or sub campaign section on our sub campaign, but then also a separate tab where just like on the current state where you want to see what the list of gifts are that are coming in that are associated with the campaign. We can now display that directly on a tab with inside of this particular data set.
About that thermometer, so thermometer is really cool. I like it a lot. We're doing something kind of different here with the dashboard on this campaigns data set where it's not sort of a built in the traditional dashboard since we're actually using a portal based approach to this type of dashboard where we've built a portal that is sort of the generic campaign thermometer. So if you were to click that link right there in the portal, it might look something like this where it just really kind of empty what that.
Victor Nuovo
11:11:17 AM
Will this new structure allow us to create participation or donor goals in addition to the dollar goals?
Allows us to do is simply embed this portal on the dashboard so that way it can take in the parameters of the attributes for whichever record you're actually on. That's one thing. The second thing related to why we chose to go the sort of portal based route is now you have an option that exists out there that you can display this campaign thermometer publicly. So that way you can now populate it through query string parameters so that way you can use it in a bunch of different places, not just.
On the record, by the way, what we're looking at here is a version of the new dashboard editor that will be coming to databases near you. So if you're wondering what this actually is, this is a preview of that new dashboard editor that is there.
Deb Chaulk
11:12:02 AM
Or goals by how the money would be used - endowment, building, programs, restricted/unrestricted?
So how do you go about doing all this? What's that conversion process like? What's the nitty gritty on how this ultimately works and how do we have like sort of a clean migration path. So that way what you have currently been doing in campaigns continues to work in this new data set approach to it. So there's two high level pathways that we have to help accomplish this. One pathway is for those new data advancement databases. So if you are, you know if you're watching this recording and you're a new.
Andrew Cappuzzello
11:12:29 AM
Do you have plans on adding crowd funding features to the campaign section?
Advancement claims, and they're coming on board. It's just going to exist for you. There's nothing you actually need to do. But we've built all of it. So that way when your database is provisioned, all of this functionality, all those custom fields, all those entities, the thermometer, the portal, all those things are just going to exist.
The second pathway here is for existing advancement databases, likely all of you that are on the call today. So how do you get to this functionality into your database right now? So we look at what that pathway looks like. The first step is actually hitting our Easy button. What this easy button does is get to where this actually is located. This allows you to click a button and we will do the work to actually create the data set for you. We'll Add all the appropriate types on the particular data sets.
That way you can start using that auto adjust within Entering and gift to connect it out to that particular campaign data set record. And then we will also migrate your existing campaigns over and make them new data set records. So we'll actually be using the same IDs or the same Guids that are on those campaigns and those will become the new Guids for that campaign data set record. We will also migrate and create the start date, end date and goal.
Fields and populate those values with those values as they were on your existing campaigns. So that's the first step. The way that that happens is there's a place where you're able to do clean up inside of site and provide a link for this in just a moment of how you can access this in your database. But that option over there on the right hand side, migrate campaigns to data set, that's what you're what you're going to want to click. When you do that it's going to open up a pop up where you'll be required to put in a memo to say exactly what it is that you are.
Deb Chaulk
11:14:12 AM
Would we be able to also see opportunities related to the campaign or sub-campaigns? (i.e. see what's in the door and what's in the pipeline)?
Doing and you'll click the execute button. I want to call out and highlight that in this we say run this in your test environment first. So do this in your test environment so that way you're able to see how this actually builds and creates that new data set and moves your data, your campaigns into those data set records. So the way you get to this is on your when you're logged into slate, simply append where it's sort of your institutions URL slash manage. Just replace that.
Lloyd Lentz
11:14:56 AM
Slash manage with slash manage database slash cleanup and the type is config so I'll give a linger moment on this slide so people can see what that is. But that will let you access that cleanup tool to be able to click the button to migrate your existing campaigns into that newly created or into a newly created campaigns data set.
Thank you Lloyd for dropping that in the chat.
Lloyd Lentz
11:15:09 AM
for those looking to cut and paste
Uh, after you do that, there are a couple of follow up steps that I'll need to happen. This is them at a high level. So what you're going to want to do is create those additional fields that we've sort of walk through initially, those campaign scoped ones, creating the new entity for the campaign, the entity scope fields and prompts. And then what we'll do is we'll have suitcase objects. So that way you can move in, you know all the forms and the widgets and the queries and the thermometer portal and the dashboard.
Those things can be, Mary, very easily brought into your data, to your database. We'll have step by step.
Steps and step by step steps broken out into document in our documentation. The documentation doesn't exist right now. We're likely going to have it out by the end of the week walking through what are the exact additional fields that you'll want to make, what those keys should be. So that way it's going to align to everyone else's standard as we start to move forward with more and more advancement schools joining the the cohort. So hang tight on the documentation for those next steps but that configuration button.
Which will move your existing campaigns into the data set that exists actually right now.
I also want to call out sort of the stuff for future developments. You know, one of the things I mentioned that it was something that we heard that people want, but.
Data sets can't yet accomplish it is this idea of a shaping tool or that concept of the donor pyramid. So we want to still hear more from all of you about what you're actually looking to use or how you're looking to use that type of shaping tool. And we encourage you to go to feedback and put more information in on how you want to use a tool like that, how you want to segment your donors, put them in different levels, maybe assign people to them, maybe have ask amounts or conversion percentages.
And so that way we can get more feedback from not only you all, but from the broader community at sleep. That same sort of concept extends beyond just advancement. But how do you, you know, how do you shape a class? How do you segment different applicants? How do you do all those types of things? And so we want to think broadly about what is the tool that can solve a lot of problems all at once and your perspectives is going to be helpful in doing that.
Victor Nuovo
11:17:49 AM
Can a pledge and its payments have different campaigns?
So I think that is broadly the the what we're looking at here, the the new functionalities related to campaigns. I want to now move into a question space. I can get my screen share up and running. We can start looking around at this and see it in action. So I know my team has been collecting questions. So we'll go ahead and we will take a look at some of these right now and please keep having the questions come into the.
Lauren Lottman
11:18:01 AM
Our old system defaulted the campaign based on the fund when a gift was entered. We are exporting the data nightly and adding campaigns to gifts, but still miss that functionality. Any way to do that now with a dataset?
Uh, to to Victor, will this new structure allow us to create a participation or toner goals in addition to the dollar goals? Yeah, absolutely. So what this structure allows you to do victory is to create any number of custom fields that you want. So you can make, you can make additional dollar calls, additional donor goals. It could be engagement goals versus monetary goals. The beauty of having this migrate into a data set structure is you can make as many of those custom.
Field since you want to send those custom entities as you want and then start to track that information because the gift will be directly associated with that campaign.
Yep. So that answers the the follow up question it looks like from Deb also in the chat based on how the money would be used, right. So do you have endowment goals, program goals, restricted, unrestricted goals? Yeah, you can absolutely start to capture those additional sort of data points directly on the data set and start tracking progress towards the goals based on the gifts that are coming in, summing those, helping comparing them to those particular goal levels.
Just looking at the old the list of questions our old system defaults is from Lauren. Our old system defaulted the campaign based on the fund when the gift was entered. We're exploring the data and they lean adding campaigns, gifts but still messed up functionality. Anyway to do it now with the data set. Lauren, what exactly are you you're looking to do here?
Maybe provide a little bit more clarity in the chat. Are you looking to just simply to stamp a gift with a particular campaign?
Lauren Lottman
11:19:37 AM
Yes, based on the fund
You have based on the phone and uh, yeah, it seems like something that you'd be able to do in an export import process where you're sort of setting that particular value on the gift based on the the fund to which it was given.
Some of the other things that you might be able to do that can help maybe perhaps get around the need to do that is that you can have sort of related fields that are set on the data sets themselves that connect to other datasets. So if there are funds that are very particular to a particular campaign, maybe on the funds you actually make a related dates that refueling, say this fund is related to this campaign. So then you may not even need to associate the gift itself directly.
To the campaign, but the gift could be connected to the fund. Of course, as the gift is made, the fund can be connected to the campaign, so you can still get that information at the gift level through a series of joins.
Lauren Lottman
11:20:46 AM
Victor can a pledge and its payment have different campaigns. Great question. I don't think so. Actually we can, we can test that out if we want to, but I I don't believe that they can. I think that it follows through the pledge to the campaign. If you want that change. I think putting that in feedback, getting more people's opinions on that will be a very helpful thing to have.
Just looking at some more of the questions that are coming in.
Great question from Deb. Would be able to see opportunities related to the campaign or to the sub campaign for example, see what's in the donor and what's in the pipeline?
Yeah. There's a number of ways to sort of start to think about how you're looking to do that.
It sort of requires a little bit more understanding of how you want to structure that sort of data architecture, right? If you could imagine a scenario where you're relating people, you're relating your donors to campaigns even before a gift is made. The nature of moving campaigns into a data set lets you be able to do that. Where you might imagine maybe an entity that has a related data set row field where you're then able to say these are the campaigns that we actually want to have associated with this donor.
Deb Chaulk
11:22:42 AM
Thank you
Here's some additional information about them, but that way you can start to manage the campaign and connect people to that particular campaign, start to put in things like ask amounts. It's a way of getting at that sort of pyramid conversation that I I still want to continue to have, but using sort of standard functionality, namely entities, related data set, row fields to be able to accomplish that, making that connection between people, donors, and the campaigns.
Johnathan Laws
11:23:12 AM
Will examples be added to the Advancement Showcase clean Slate environment?
Great. Just scanning to see if there are more questions that have come in. Andrew, do you have any plans on adding crowdfunding features to the campaign section right now? The purpose for this is really just to get the existing campaigns out of their current infrastructure and into this data set based version of doing campaigns. We are always open to new ideas and to feedback that is coming in. I would want to unpack a little bit more in terms of what you mean by sort of crowdfunding features. That means a lot of things.
But a lot of different people for looking at sort of people being able to share links and getting gift credit for the sharing of the links, These are things that you can actually start to do right now given some standard functionality. So definitely put in a feedback post where you're describing a little bit more what you mean by that. That way we get both yours and other people's opinions on what those features might ultimately look like and how we can maybe standardize some of those.
Matt Kudler
11:23:46 AM
I know we are looking at setting this up as a dataset, but is there a way to see what this looks like from a donor perspective (portal)?
Johnathan Laws
11:23:58 AM
Andrew Cappuzzello
11:24:04 AM
Of course -- asking for other colleagues in our team. I can try and boil down the essential items we would need to move some large campaigns to Slate
Jonathan Willis samples be added to the Advancement Showcase clean slate environment? Yes. So we actually have this example giving day campaigns as a data set in the Advancement Showcase clean slate right now. So if it's not there, maybe you provisioned that database a while ago, it may just need to be updated. So you may just need to request a refresh of that database, but it will be in there.
Nathan Ersig
11:24:18 AM
If we wanted to build out our campaign pyramid in an entity now on a person record, can we then add a related dataset row into the entity to attach a campaign to that entity entry?
Great. I know, Matt, I know we are looking at setting this up as a data set. There's there a way to see what this looks like from a donor perspective or in a portal. Yeah, Matt, you're able to to do a number of things from a donor perspective, right. You can imagine that you have a a campaign page that shows sort of that progress bar, that thermometer with additional information about the campaign. You absolutely can make a portal that displays all that information.
And pulls in all the information from the campaign. That includes things like the donations that are rolling into the campaign or maybe a a public facing description or links to materials or things like that. You absolutely can do that.
Mate, if we wanted to build out our campaign pyramid and an entity now on a person record, can we then have a related data set row into the entity to attach to campaign to that entity entry? Yeah, that's kind of what I was describing. A little bit to debt question where you can make that sort of connection between people in the campaign. So one of your entity fields could be a related data set row that says this rose connected to this particular campaign and maybe there's you know.
Fields that are in that entity row maybe like an ask amount or a level or a range or a percent completion. How How likely do we think that we're going to get what that is? Maybe there's even another field that says who's the user assigned to this person for this particular ask. You can absolutely start to get at it in a an entity based approach.
Abraham Noel
11:26:00 AM
Will this feature be enabled by default on new Slate Advancement instances?
I I think that's a good place to start. Absent of a a more broad shaping tool that can do this sort of thing in a more standard version, but if you're looking at now going down that route, you absolutely can take that approach. I think that's a very smart way to do it.
Abraham, will this feature be enabled by default on new slate advancement instances? Yep, absolutely. So every new advancement to database will have the full sort of functionality of what we've looked through at the slides today. So it will include the entities. It will include all the fields, the prompts, the additional fields. The additional prompts. It will include the portal will include the entity widget, include the dashboard. All those things will just exist for new Advancement schools as they come on board.
Excellent. Just looking through to see if there is perhaps any questions that I missed. I think we may have gotten to most of them for today.
Natalie Schmidt
11:27:12 AM
It is really great, thank you!!
Any other thoughts or questions that people have on this? I, you know, I want to just sort of reiterate a couple of points. One, if you're looking to make that conversion process, do it in your test environment first. So that way it's you're able to see exactly what it's going to look like. It will create the data set, it will create the data set records for each of your campaigns. But what it won't do is make those additional custom fields, those additional entities, the thermometer portal, those.
Piece of things, so I sort of leading with.
Debbie Amador
11:27:27 AM
Would the person/company be linked to the campaign based on a person/company field, or maybe a related field related to Prospect Management?
Deb Chaulk
11:27:27 AM
This is excellent timing for us - thank you! Just beginning our gift mapping
Abraham Noel
11:27:35 AM
Nice feature -- thank you!
Features is out right now. You can absolutely do it, but I might also recommend waiting a little bit towards the end of the week. So that way we have the documentation now that's going to provide really that step by step that says make this field, give it this key, call it this, those type of things. So we just aligns with all the new schools experience and to our experience that we have in our advancement showcase clean slate environment.
A question coming in from Deborah with the person company be linked to the campaign based on the person company field or maybe through a related data set related to prospect management. Yeah. So this Deborah, this goes to a couple of different ways to think about how a person is ultimately connected to a campaign. The, the very straightforward way that a person or a company can be connected to a campaign is actually through any of the gifts that they've given to the campaign that's going to be the most direct.
Lloyd Lentz
11:28:27 AM
So, with the conversion the Campaign will be a dropdown, or a lookup (like the prompt --> dataset conversion for appeal)
Nathan Ersig
11:28:30 AM
We have a campaign starting that may end up rolling up to a larger campaign. Will we be able to change a parent campaign to a sub-campaign after it's set-up and has things attached to it?
Lloyd Lentz
11:28:39 AM
( on the Gift Entry)
Route where I gift is connected to a campaign. So that way the person buys sort of that transitive property is also connected to that campaign. Some of the things that we're talking about with Nate and with dub where you can actually start to associate people directly even before our gift is or pledges made to a campaign. That's where using that related duties, that row field either as a sort of a standalone field or as part of an entity will be able to associate the person to.
Of that particular campaign.
Question Lloyd. So with the conversion like Campaign will be a drop down or look up to, it's going to be a lookup. So when you hit the easy button and we make the new data set for you and I can actually start sharing my screen just to sort of show what I am talking about over here. So let me go ahead and pull that up on my window. So if we go and we look at this case, can all see my screen when you hit the easy button.
Amy Lampi
11:29:35 AM
Can't wait to use this functionality for stewardship campaigns!
You actually have in the data sets section of Sleep a new data set called Campaigns and we will insert this gift type which is gift under score campaign. The existence of that type is what makes it possible for you when you're entering in a gift on a person's record to have that auto suggest So because that type exists I now have the campaign be that auto suggest or I can now search for example campaigns right there.
Great. We have a campaign starting that may end up rolling up into a larger campaign will be will be able to change the apparent campaign to a sub campaign after it's set up and has things attached to it. Yeah absolutely you can. So the way that the gift connection for things work is it's associated directly with that particular data set. If you change other things on the data set, you're absolutely able to do so. So what the and we can go and we can look at it sort of an example one here let's go find our.
Example giving their campaign.
Something like this where now we go ahead and we look at it over here, you can change the campaign type and the sort of whether it's connected to a parent campaign or not. Even after gifts are being associated with it. These actually don't have any impact with the gift side of things as well. The gift is just associated with the overall campaign. So if you change things later because you want to re architect what does that sort of hierarchy relationship between your various campaigns shouldn't be a problem.
Lloyd Lentz
11:31:27 AM
With more reliance on Dataset with calculated values, will we have more affordances for daisychaining calculations?
The thermometer, just because I think it's fun, also has a little animation associated with it, so it's exciting. And because it's it's a dashboard and portal, you can imagine doing even more fun things if you want for sort of your end users where maybe once it reaches 100%, confetti flies across your whole page. So just some fun things to think about as you're getting going, thinking about how you want to use this type of functionality.
Lloyd Lentz
11:31:37 AM
Update one value based on other calculated values
Great question from Lloyd. With more reliance on data set with calculated values, will we have more affordances for Daisy chaining calculations update 1 value based on the other calculated value? Great question. I don't know the answer to that Lloyd at the moment. Right now I don't think that we intend to have any more changes associated to sort of the rules and the ways that we operate them. But it is a good question to sort of continue that conversation and evaluate sort of what are the use cases for those types of things.
Amanda Cole
11:32:08 AM
Will we be able to roll up those sub campaigns into a report on the dashboard of the parent campaign?
Excellent. Any other out they're coming in from Amanda, will we be able to roll up the sub campaigns into our report on the dashboard of the parent campaign? Yes, absolutely. So Amanda, through the wonderful powers of configurable joints clearing, you'll be able to add additional things to your dashboard or for any of your reports where it actually it will be up to you to make the decision of how you want to count things. Are you counting things at the individual sort of sub campaign level, are you just.
Doing something where you want to only look at the parent campaigns and you're summing up the sums of all the sub campaigns because do you want to allow people to give both to a parent campaign and a sub campaign? And those cases are you calculating the sum of the parent plus the sum of the sums? All those things are possible with this approach to how we're looking at campaigns. Connect to these data sets for your querying and your reporting.
Amanda Cole
11:33:08 AM
Lloyd Lentz
11:33:15 AM
Looks really great Shawn
Gina Mandros
11:33:31 AM
We're very excited, Shawn! Thank you!
Tala Davidson
11:33:38 AM
Thank you for the improvements!
Cara Valentine
11:33:42 AM
Thanks Shawn, this is awesome sauce! :)
Any final thoughts, questions, things that we can dive into as people are typing in the chat. I will also plug that we have our ongoing advancement focused community conversations where you can ask us anything including about this campaign functionality. We have another one as soon as tomorrow in the afternoon. We tend to be at a twice a week cadence for those to ask both of myself and the entire advancement team more questions SO looks like.
Laurie Bowers
11:34:00 AM
Thanks Shawn!
Deb Chaulk
11:34:05 AM
You may have wrapped up all of our questions for today. So if you do have those questions, take him to our conversations tomorrow and every week where you can connect with us. But for now, we'll go ahead and we'll say have a good rest of your day and we'll all see you very soon. Thanks everybody. Take care.
Carlos Galo
11:34:08 AM
Thank you all!
Abraham Noel
11:34:10 AM
Erik Rettig
11:34:11 AM
Thank you!